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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. D.M. (Dieko) Bakker


Everybody herds, sometimes: cumulative advantage as a product of rational learning

A Bad Barrel Spoils a Good Apple: How Uncertainty and Networks Affect Whether Matching Rules Can Foster Cooperation

Assessing the test-retest reliability of the social value orientation slider measure

Comparing the Slider Measure of Social Value Orientation with Its Main Alternatives

Cooperation and social control: effects of preferences, institutions, and social structure

Modeling the micro-macro link: Understanding macro-level outcomes using randomization tests on micro-level data

Relative power: Material and contextual elements of efficacy in social dilemmas: Material and contextual elements of efficacy in social dilemmas

The double edge of counter–sanctions: Is peer sanctioning robust to counter–punishment but vulnerable to counter–reward?

Cooperation and retaliation in collective good games: Does counter-punishment really destroy cooperation?

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