prof. dr. D. (Dick) de Waard

Dick de Waard
Scientist specialised in human behaviour in surface transportation and aviation. Experienced in the study of impaired driving detection, dual task performance, effects of Advanced Driving Assistance Systems, and driver training. Behavioural adaptation to (adaptive) automation in and outside the traffic environment are also main areas of interest and work. Has contributed and co-ordinated national and European projects. Special interest in cyclist’s behaviour and the mobility of older traffic participants and persons with mild cognitive impairments. Professor “Traffic Psychology and the retention of Mobility”.
Education and experience
Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
2015 – present Professor (Associate professor- UHD1), 0.9 FTE
2012 – 2015 Lecturer (Associate professor- UHD2), 0.9 FTE.
2010 – 2012 Lecturer (Assistant professor- UD1), 0.9 FTE.
2006 – 2010 Lecturer (Assistant professor- UD2), 0.7-0.9 FTE.
1991 – 2006 Research associate, also at the Traffic Research Centre.
1989 – 1991 Alternative Military Service: Traffic Research Centre
Faculty of Technology, Policy, and Management, Delft University of Technology
2005 ¬ 2008 Research fellow, 0.2 FTE.
ITS Advies
2003 – 2008 Freelancer (Consultancy)
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA
2003 – 2008 Visiting Scientist at HumanFirst (Human Factors Interdisciplinary Research in Safety and Transportation laboratory).
University of Groningen
1983 – 1989 Study Experimental Psychology
Co-ordinator courses:
Research methods and ethics (2nd year course, Dutch), 2008-2021
Human Error (3rd year course, English), 2009-present
Traffic Psychology and Sustained Mobility (3rd year course, English), 2019-present
Minor Psychology in Society, 2013-present
Minor Psychology of Cognition, Development, and Performance, 2021- present
Master Traffic Psychology and Sustained Mobility (2017-2020).
Lecturer in the courses: Information processing and task performance (2004-2011), Research Methods practical (1999-2015), Experimental skills practical on cardiovascular methods (2008-present), Master Virtual reality practical, supervision of Bachelor and Master theses, TRAIL Research School PhD course.
- (Co)author (ORCID= 0000-0003-0262-4573) of over 200 publications in national and international journals.
- Hirsch’s H-index: 34 (on basis of Scopus, 24.02.2022), 48 (on basis of Google Scholar, 24.02.2022).
- Winner of the Snijders-Kouwerprijs 1996.
- First editor of a series of HFES Europe Chapter conference books (2000-present)
- Associate editor of the International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics
- Associate editor of IET Intelligent Transport Systems
- Member of the editorial board of Ergonomics and Transportation Research Part F
- Acquired several projects in the field of surface transportation, both National as European
- PhD supervisor (“promotor”) of Bastiaan Sporrel, Angèle Picco, Jeremy Dillmann, Frank Westerhuis, Bart Jelijs, Tineke de Haan, Jorick Post, Ilse Harms, Carola Engbers, Dafne Piersma, co-supervisor of: Arjan Stuiver, Mandy Dotzauer, Janet Veldstra, Chris Dijksterhuis, Ben Lewis-Evans, and Marjolein van der Zwaag.
- External examiner of several PhD and MSc theses since 2009.
- Invited speaker at several conferences and events since 1998
Management and organisational experience
- Member programme committee TRAIL Research School, Member programme committee Verkeersgedragdag, Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology 2016 and 2022, Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Cycling Safety Conference 2014 (ICSC2014, Göteborg), 2015 (Hannover), and 2016 (Bologna), Member of the Labour and Environmental Conditions Working Group (April 2013 -present), Co-organiser of the 5th International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology (ICTTP, Groningen, August 29-31, 2012), with over 400 delegates, (Co) organiser of the annual conference of the Europe Chapter of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society in 1996, 1999 until present, Member of the Degree Programme Advisory Committee (Opleidingscommissie) (September 2008-June 2012), Secretary (2005-present) and webmaster of the Europe Chapter of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES).
- Chair of the steering committee “Enforcement and traffic behaviour” of the Ministry of Justice, WODC, 2016, 2011-2013: Member steering committee Onderzoeksraad voor Veiligheid (Dutch Safety Research Council), Heavy Goods Vehicle Accidents on motorways
- 2012: Member advisory committee Netherlands Institute for Safety (Nederlands Instituut Fysieke Veiligheid), “Priority Vehicles”.
- Reviewer for many journals and conferences, and international Research Councils
More information on Traffic and Environmental Psychology at te University of Groningen is here
Laatst gewijzigd: | 25 juni 2022 13:13 |