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Hegemonic masculinities after forced migration: Exploring relational performances of Syrian refugee men in The Netherlands

‘You can’t just be a Muslim in outer space’: young people making sense of religion at local places in the city

Mundane mobilities in later life - Exploring experiences of everyday trip-making by older adults in a Dutch urban neighbourhood

Neighbourhood walks as place-making in later life

Break Out! Op visuele ontdekkingstocht door een (inclusieve?) stad

Creative and Arts-Based Research Methods in Academic Research. Lessons from a Participatory Research Project in The Netherlands

Geographies of alcohol, drinking, and drunkenness through the lens of participatory video

Bats in the City: Exploring Practices of Citizen Bat Conservation Through the Lens of Becoming-With Animal

“Just as much as there is Islamophobia, there is racism”: corporeal encounters with the Muslim Other in Amsterdam

Learning to live with synanthropic bats: Practices of tolerance and care in domestic space

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Rolstoel in plaats van raceauto; Kevin (20) maakt game voor mensen met een beperking. 'Ik hoop dat mijn grootouders trots zijn'

Streetfront: Students go the distance, reach new heights

'Kinderen werden weggehaald bij hun ouders'. Studenten RUG schrijven boek over marathonlopende probleemjongeren in Canada

Streetfront: a Groningen book about an unusual Canadian School

Mapping the Inclusive City

Book Launch! Do You Know About Britannia Secondary School’s “Streetfront” Alternative Program?

INZICHTEN uit de Oosterparkwijk - expositie

Sjoelen op een klaverjasboot

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