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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. B. (Bettina) van Hoven


Hegemonic masculinities after forced migration: Exploring relational performances of Syrian refugee men in The Netherlands

‘You can’t just be a Muslim in outer space’: young people making sense of religion at local places in the city

Mundane mobilities in later life - Exploring experiences of everyday trip-making by older adults in a Dutch urban neighbourhood

Neighbourhood walks as place-making in later life

Break Out! Op visuele ontdekkingstocht door een (inclusieve?) stad

Creative and Arts-Based Research Methods in Academic Research. Lessons from a Participatory Research Project in The Netherlands

Geographies of alcohol, drinking, and drunkenness through the lens of participatory video

Bats in the City: Exploring Practices of Citizen Bat Conservation Through the Lens of Becoming-With Animal

“Just as much as there is Islamophobia, there is racism”: corporeal encounters with the Muslim Other in Amsterdam

Learning to live with synanthropic bats: Practices of tolerance and care in domestic space

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Streetfront: Students go the distance, reach new heights

'Kinderen werden weggehaald bij hun ouders'. Studenten RUG schrijven boek over marathonlopende probleemjongeren in Canada

Zit je met complexe problematiek in een rolstoel? Dan is een dagje Groningen verre van eenvoudig. RUG en 's Heeren Loo doen samen onderzoek

Streetfront: a Groningen book about an unusual Canadian School

Mapping the Inclusive City

Book Launch! Do You Know About Britannia Secondary School’s “Streetfront” Alternative Program?

INZICHTEN uit de Oosterparkwijk - expositie

Sjoelen op een klaverjasboot

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