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Are functional foods used as self-medication?: Subjective health, self-reported disease symptoms, current medical treatment and functional food choices

Compulsive Social Media Use and Disconnection Anxiety: Predictors and Markers of Compulsive and Addictive Social Media Consumption

Psychological and behavioral economic predictors of physical inactivity and sedentary behavior among adults

Set that record straight! Cardinal line orientations in music album artwork boost market performance and music consumption

Social tipping games: Experimental paradigms for studying consumer movements

Source credibility effects in misinformation research: A review and primer

The Association between Psychological and Behavioral Economic Factors and the Rapid Assessment Disuse Index (RADI) during the COVID-19 Pandemic

When do conspiracy theories shape behavioural intentions? The moderating role of the need to evaluate

When enough is NOT enough: Behavioral and motivational paths to compulsive social media consumption

From Direct Marketing Towards Interactive Marketing: The Evolving Interactive Marketing Tools

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