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All the cues we cannot see: How reward-driven distractors render consumers insensitive to assortment complexity

Editorial overview: Mapping the current state of affairs and future outlook of self-control and self-regulation research: From effortful inhibition to motivated and situated strategies

Harnessing Opportunity Cost Salience for Effortless Self-Control

Take a deep breath: Exploring the role of mindfulness in impulse buying

The need to evaluate

The Psychology of Advertising: 4th edition

Are functional foods used as self-medication?: Subjective health, self-reported disease symptoms, current medical treatment and functional food choices

Compulsive Social Media Use and Disconnection Anxiety: Predictors and Markers of Compulsive and Addictive Social Media Consumption

Gullible People or Deceptive Environments: How Should the Causes of Misbeliefs Be Communicated to the Public?

Set that record straight! Cardinal line orientations in music album artwork boost market performance and music consumption

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