prof. mr. dr. B. (Björn) Hoops
Chair of Private Law and Sustainability
Born on 21 January 1988 in Bremervörde (Germany).
Language skills:
German: mother tongue;
English: proficiency;
Dutch: proficiency;
French: advanced independent user;
Afrikaans: basic user; reading without any difficulty;
Italian: advanced independent user.
Work experience:
1 January 2024 - date: Full Professor, Chair of Private Law and Sustainability
1 April 2022 - 31 March 2024: Marie Curie Fellow, University of Turin
1 September 2019 - 31 december 2023: Associate Professor, Chair of Private Law and Sustainability
27 September - 22 October 2021: Visiting Researcher, University of York
1 September 2019 - 31 January 2020: Research Fellow, University of Turin
12 March - 11 May 2018: Visiting Scholar, Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht
1 September 2017 - 31 August 2019: Assistant Professor at the University of Groningen
16 September 2013 - 31 August 2017: PhD candidate and lecturer at the University of Groningen;
1 March 2016 - 30 June 2016: Visiting Scholar, Columbia Law School, New York;
22 June 2015 - 3 July 2015: research stay at the University of Cape Town;
17 April 2015 - 12 June 2015: Research stay at the South African Research Chair in Property Law, University of Stellenbosch;
7 October 2013 - 8 December 2013: Research stay at the KNIR (Royal Dutch Institute in Rome);
1 February 2013 - 31 August 2013: Research and teaching assistant at the University of Groningen;
1 January 2012 - 31 March 2012: Intern at the European Commission (D-G Justice, unit equal treatment legislation);
1 September 2011 - 30 November 2011: Research stay at the South African Research Chair in Property Law, University of Stellenbosch (Research into insecure land rights in South Africa's rural areas);
23 January 2011 - 24 March 2011: Intern at the Consulate-General of the Federal Republic of Germany;
1 July 2010 - 31 August 2010: Volunteer at Natuur en Milieufederatie Groningen;
1 May 2009 - 31 August 2013: Research assistant at the Centre of European Law and Politics (University of Bremen);
1 March 2008 - 31 May 2008: Intern with the Democratic Alliance at the South African Parliament, Cape Town;
October 2006: Intern at the German Parliament (Deutscher Bundestag).
Tertiary education:
December 2020: First State Exam, German Law, Court of Appeal Cologne
16 September 2013 - 14 December 2017: PhD (cum laude), University of Groningen
1 September 2012 - 30 January 2014: Master of Laws, Dutch law, University of Groningen (summa cum laude);
1 September 2012 - 6 September 2013: Master of Laws, European Law School, University of Groningen (summa cum laude);
1 October 2012 - 6 September 2013: Master of Laws, Comparative and European Law, Universität Bremen, Carl-von-Ossietzky-Universität Oldenburg;
1 Oktober 2008 - 31 August 2012: Bachelor of Laws, Comparative and European Law, Universität Bremen, Carl-von-Ossietzky-Universität Oldenburg.
Military service / alternative service
12 July 2007 - 11 June 2008: Youth Care Worker with a home for disadvantaged youngsters, Beth Uriel, in Cape Town/South Africa.
Secondary education
27 June 2007: General University Entrance Qualification (Abitur), Gymnasium Warstade.
Expropriation Expert Group (founding member)
European Law Institute (ELI)
Ius Commune Research School
Common Core of European Private Law
Young Property Lawyers Forum, Board of Advice
Law and Society
2021: Marie Curie Fellowship, European Commission
2020: Research grant, Cadastre and several water management boards and municipalities.
2019: Research Fellowship, University of Turin
2018: Visiting Scholarship, Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht
2017: Research Grant, Gratama stichting
2014: German-Dutch Law Prize;
2013: Scholarship of the KNIR (Royal Dutch Institute in Rome);
2013: GUF-100 prize of the Groningen University Fund;
2012: Scholarship of the Carlo-Schmid-Programme of the DAAD;
2011: Scholarship of the DAAD;
2008-2013: Scholarship of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung e.V.
Last modified: | 01 October 2024 09.33 a.m. |