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About us Practical matters How to find us B.D.H.K. (Britas Klemens) Eriksson, Prof

B.D.H.K. (Britas Klemens) Eriksson, Prof

Associate Professor Marine Ecology

ECO-EVO-FEEDBACK (2017-2021): Human induced eco-evolutionary feedbacks restructure ecosystems and limit their recovery

FACILITATION LANDSCAPES (2017-2021): Long-distance facilitation cascades drive landscapes of facilitation in intertidal systems

ZEN (2010-2018):
the Zostera Experimental Network! A collaborative research initiative financed by the National Science Foundation (NFS global eelgrass network) through Emmet Duffy, Virginia Institute of Marine Science.
PLANT-FISH (2014-2017):
Consequences of feedback mechanisms between foundation species and large predatory fish for the health of Baltic Seacoastal ecosystems. Funded by Formas.
WADDENENGINE (2009-2013):
The importance of bioengineering for the function of intertidal flats in the Wadden Sea. NWO - ZKO.
Last modified:25 June 2022 2.44 p.m.