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prof. dr. B.A.M. (Ben) Maassen

Emeritus Professor & Clinical Neuropsychologist
Profile picture of prof. dr. B.A.M. (Ben) Maassen
+31 50 36 35858 (Secretariat)


De Flamingo-test

Dynamic assessment of the effectiveness of digital game-based literacy training in beginning readers: a cluster randomised controlled trial

Graphogame intervention as a tool for early diagnosis of reading difficulties in Spanish-speaking children with developmental language disorder

L1 versus L2: Academic Reading Comprehension Skills of Dutch Students with Dyslexia

Music and musical elements in the treatment of childhood speech sound disorders: A systematic review of the literature

Speech and Music Therapy in the Treatment of Childhood Apraxia of Speech: An Introduction and a Case Study

Early Productive Vocabulary Composition as Precursor of Dyslexia

Process-Oriented Profiling of Speech Sound Disorders

Characterizing tongue tremor in Parkinson’s disease using EMA

Een Integrale Analyse van de Ontwikkelingsuitkomsten van Kinderen met een Familiair Risico op Dyslexie in Groep 8

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