B.A.J. (Johannes) Westberg, Prof

Johannes Westberg holds a phd in history (2008), and won his habilitation in 2014, both at the Department of History, Uppsala University, Sweden. He was guest researcher at the University of Zurich in the spring of 2011, and has held positions as senior lecturer in history of education at the Department of Education (Uppsala University, 2012-17), and full professor of education at Örebro University (2016-2020), before joining University of Groningen in 2020. A short CV and a full publication list is available here >>
Westberg organizes the Nordic Network for History of Education , is a member of the editorial team of Nordic Journal of Educational History , corresponding member of the editorial board of History of Education Quarterly, History of Education, and member of the international advisory board of Paedagogica Historica . In Groningen, he is the chair of the basic unit of Pedagogy, and the research unit Education in Culture.
Westberg has, since finishing his Phd on the history of early care and education in Sweden (2008), conducted research that has dealt with the content of education as well as the social, economic and cultural context of education. Westberg has paid special attention to the history of primary schooling and pre-primary education (kindergartens, infant schools, crèches), and covered issues relating to the social and economic history of education; school finance; material culture, school architecture; teachers, teachers' salary and livelihoods, and the teacher profession; discipline and governmentalities; educational borrowing and educational transfer.
Westberg has published more than 60 book chapters and articles, the latter in journals including History of Education, Paedagogica Historica, Scandinavian Journal of History and IJHE Bildungsgeschichte , and been editor and co-editor of more than 11 edited books and special issues, including the text book Utbildningens historia - en steduktion [History of Education - An Introduction] (3 ed. 2019), and School Acts and the Rise of Mass Schooling (Palgrave Macmillan, 2019). He has also written two monographs: Att bygga ett skolväsende (Nordic Academic Press, 2014, 445 pp.) And Funding the Rise of Mass Schooling (Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, 242 pp).
Westberg promotes historical perspectives and methods in educational research. He has previously led projects on the history of school finance and educational journals, funded mainly by grants from Swedish Research Council and Handelsbankens forskningsstiftelser. He currently leads the project “How did education policy shape the race towards mass education? A comparative perspective based on France, Italy, Spain and Sweden, c. 1840–1940 ”, and conducts research on early twentieth-century Swedish kindergartens and the expanding sector of early care and education in Sweden 1970-2000. He is also co-investigator in two additional projects dealing with the history of school crises in Sweden, and history of early care and education respectively.
Last modified: | 25 June 2022 4.51 p.m. |