prof. dr. A.P. (André) Wolff
General medicine (peer reviewed)
v Alphen PJM, Costongs CMPJ, Wolff AP. Laboratoriumbegeleiding bij het gebruik van depotneuroleptica. Tijdschr Ther Gen Onderz 1987; 12: 308-10
Wolff AP, Ruys AHC, Dolmans WMV, v Loon AM, Pangalila PFA. Hepatitis B virus infection in patients with chronic liver disease and healthy controls in North-Sulawesi. Trop Geograph Med 1990; 42: 221-5
Anaesthesiology and Pain Medicine (international journals, peer reviewed)
Wolff AP, Hasenbos MA, Liem TH, Gielen MJ. Accidental overdose of epidural bupivacaine sufentanil. Reg Anesth Pain Med 1992: 17: 237-8
Wolff AP, Dirksen R, Gielen MJ. Booij LH. The intrathecal effectiveness of four short acting local anesthetics in rats: A single concentration-response relationship. Reg Anesth Pain Med 1993; suppl: 18: 25
Wolff AP, Knape JTA, Dirksen R. Postoperative stroke immediately following uncomplicated surgery and anesthesia. Anaesthesiology Rev 1993; 2: 60-64
Snijdelaar D, Hasenbos M, van Egmond J, Wolff A, Liem T. High thoracic epidural sufentanil with bupivacaine: continuus infusion of high volume versus low volume. Anesth Analg 1994; 78: 490-4
Wolff AP, Hasselström L, Kerkkamp HE, Gielen MJ. Extradural ropivacaine and bupivacaine in hip surgery. Brit J Anaesth 1995; 74: 458-60
Wolff AP, Groen GJ, Crul BJP. Diagnostic Lumbosacral Segmental Nerve Blocks With Local Anesthetics: A Prospective Double Blind Study on the Variability and Interpretation of segmental Effects. Reg Anesth Pain Med 2001; 26: 147-55
Wolff AP, Wilder-Smith HG, Crul BJP, van de Heijden MP, Groen GJ. Lumbar segmental nerve blocks with local anesthetics, pain relief and motor function: a prospective double-blind study between lidocaine and ropivacaine. Anesth Analg 2004; 99: 496-501
Wolff AP, Groen GJ, Wilder-Smith OHG. Diagnosis of chronic radiating lower back pain without overt focal neurologic deficits: what is the value of segmental nerve blocks? Therapy 2005; 2: 577-585
Wolff AP, Groen GJ, Wilder-Smith OHG, Richardson J, van Egmond J, Crul BJP. Do diagnostic segmental nerve root blocks in chronic low back pain patients with radiation to the leg lack distinct sensory effects? A preliminary study. Brit J Anaesth 2006; 96: 253-8
Wolff AP, Groen GJ, Wilder-Smith OHG. Selective lumbosacral nerve root blocks and inadvertent epidural spread: a caution? Reg Anesth Pain Med 2006; 31: 523-30.
Nienhuis SW, Rosman C, Strobbe LJA, Wolff A, Bleichrodt RP. An overview of the features influencing pain after inguinal hernia repair. Int J Surg 2008; 6: 4: 351-6
Hasselaar JG, Verhagen SC, Wolff AP, Engels Y, Crul BJ, Vissers KC. Changed patterns in palliative sedation practice after the introduction of a national guideline. Arch Intern Med. 2009; 169: 430-7
Timmermans H, Wolff A, van Rijswijk E and Vissers K. Comment on StEP: A novel tool for the assessment of pain: Validation in low back pain. PLoS Medicine 18-05-2009; 6: 4
Brunnekreef J, Oosterhof J, Wolff AP, Crul B, J P, Wilder-Smith OHG; Oostendorp RAB. No impaired hemoglobin oxygenation in forearm muscles of patients with chronic CRPS-1. Clin J Pain 2009; 25: 513-9
Dick LM, Wille F, Masir F, Wolff AP, Groen GJ, Vissers KCP. Registration of epiduroscopic findings in patients with chronic low back pain radiating tot the leg (clbp-r) Pain Pract 2009; 9, S1: 52
Wolff A, Vanduynhoven E, van Kleef M, Huygen F, Pope J, Mekhail N. Phantom Pain. Pain Practice 2011; 11: 1-11
Ketelaars R, Wolff A. Unexpected high sensory blockade during continuous spinal anaesthesia (CSA) in an elderly patient. Case reports in Anaesthesiology, 2012 doi:10.1155/2012/648921
Timmerman H, Wolff AP, Schreyer T, Outermans J, Evers AWM, Freynhagen R, Wilder-Smith OHG, van Zundert J, Vissers KCP. Cross-Cultural Adaptation to the Dutch Language of the PainDETECT-Questionnaire. Pain Practice 2012; doi: 10.1111/j.1533-2500.2012.00577
Timmerman H, Wilder-Smith O, van Weel C, Wolff A and Vissers K. Detecting the neuropathic pain component in the clinical setting: A study protocol for validation of screening instruments for the presence of a neuropathic pain component. BMC Neurology 2014; 14: 94 doi:10.1186/1471-2377-14-94
Selyogi D, van Geffen GJ, Scheffer GJ, Bruhn J, Wolff A. Correlation of bupivacaine 0.5% dose and conversion from spinal anaesthesia to general anaesthesia in Caesarean sections. Acta Anaesthesiologica Belgica 2016; 67(1):36-42.
Casteleijn, NF, Van Gastel, Blankestijn P J, Drenth JP, Groen GJ, de Jager RJ, Leliveld AM, Stellema R, Wolff AP, Gansevoort RT. A multidisciplinary stepwise protocol for the treatment of refractory chronic pain in ADPKD patients: initial results. Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation. 2016; 31, 90-9
Casteleijn, NF, Van Gastel, Blankestijn P J, Drenth JP, Groen GJ, de Jager RJ, Leliveld AM, Stellema R, Wolff AP, Gansevoort RT. Novel treatment protocol for ameliorating refractory, chronic pain in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease'. Kidney International 2017 Apr;91(4):972-981; doi: 10.1016/j.kint.2016.12.007. Epub 2017 Jan 31.
Timmerman H, Steegers MAH, Huygen FJPM, Goeman JJ, van Dasselaar NT, Schenkels MJ, Wilder-Smith OHG, Wolff AP, Vissers KCP. Investigating the validity of the DN4 in a consecutive population of patients with chronic pain. PLOS ONE 2017, vol. 12, issue 11, 2017, p. e0187961. PloS one DOI.
Timmerman H, Wilder-Smith OHG, Steegers AH, Vissers KCP, Wolff AP. The added value of bedside examination and screening-QST to improve neuropathic pain identification in patients with chronic pain. Journal of Pain Research. 2018: 11: 1307—1318;
Timmerman H, Wolff AP, Bronkhorst EM, Wilder-Smith OHG, Schenkels MJ, van Dasselaar NT, Huygen FJPM, Steegers MAH, Vissers KCP. Avoiding Catch-22: validating the PainDETECT in a population of patients with chronic pain. BMC Neurology 2018, 18:91.
Schrier E, Dijkstra PU, Zeebregts CJ, Wolff AP, Geertzen JHB. Decision making process for amputation in case of therapy resistant complex regional pain syndrome type-I in a Dutch specialist Centre. Medical Hypotheses. Medical Hypotheses 121 (2018) 15–20
Schräder NHB, Duipmans JC, Molenbuur B, Wolff A, Jonkman MF. Combined THC and CBD to treat pain in epidermolysis bullosa: a report of three cases. British Journal of Dermatology. 2019 Apr;180(4):922-924. doi: 10.1111/bjd.17341. Epub 2018 Nov 14 [Epub ahead of print]
Dutmer AL, Reneman MF, Schiphorst Preuper HR, Wolff AP, Speijer BL, Remko Soer. The NIH minimal dataset for chronic low back pain: responsiveness and minimal clinically important change. Spine May 2019; DOI: 10.1097/BRS.0000000000003107
Dutmer AL, Schiphorst Preuper HR, Soer R, Brouwer S, Bültmann U, Dijkstra PU, Coppes MH, Stegeman P, Buskens E, van Asselt ADI, Wolff AP, Reneman MF. Personal and Societal Impact of Low Back Pain: The Groningen Spine Cohort. Spine (Phila PA 1976). 2019: 44(24): E1443-51
Daniela C. Rosenberger, Vivian Blechschmidt, Hans Timmerman, André Wolff, Rolf-Detlef Treede. Challenges of neuropathic pain – focus on diabetic neuropathy. Journal of Neural Transmission 2020: 127, 589–624;
Alisa L. Dutmer, Henrica R. Schiphorst Preuper, Roy E. Stewart, Remko Soer, Michiel F. Reneman, André P. Wolff. Trajectories of Disability and Low Back Pain Impact: 2-year Follow-up of the Groningen Spine Cohort. Spine, 20-Aug-2020,
Jone Ansuategui Echeita, Henrica R Schiphorst Preuper, Rienk Dekker, Ilse Stuive, Hans Timmerman, Andre P Wolff, Michiel F Reneman. Central Sensitisation and functioning in patients with chronic low back pain: protocol for a cross-sectional and cohort study, 2020, vol. 10, issue 3, 2020, p. e031592. BMJ open DOI.
Anke Hofste, Remko Soer, Hermie J. Hermens, Heiko Wagner, Frits G. J. Oosterveld, André P. Wolff and Gerbrand J. Groen. Inconsistent descriptions of lumbar multifidus morphology: A scoping review. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2020: 21:312;
Remko Soer, Michiel F. Reneman, Jochen O. Mierau, Henrica R. Schiphorst Preuper, Patrick Stegeman, Bert L.G.N. Speijer, Hermien H. Dijk, Nynke Buwalda, André P. Wolff, Maarten H. Coppes. Can we change health care costs in patients with complex backs pain? Results from a 5 year before and after study. SPINE: October 15, 2020 - Volume 45- Issue 20 - p 1443-1450; doi: 10.1097/BRS.0000000000003550
Kristian Kjær Petersen, Henrik B. Vaegter, Audun Stubhaug, André Wolff, Brigitte E. Scammell, Lars Arendt-Nielsen, Dennis B. Larsen. The Predictive Value of Quantitative Sensory Testing – A Systematic Review on Chronic Postoperative Pain and the Analgesic Effect of Pharmacological Therapies in Patients with Chronic Pain. PAIN july 2020, doi: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000002019
Jone Ansuategui Echeita, Lara Louise Huisman, Henrica Rosalien Schiphorst Preuper, Hans Timmerman, André Paul Wolff, Michiel Felix Reneman. Assessing central sensitization in patients with chronic low back pain; comparing Central Sensitization Inventory, Quantitative Sensory Testing and Heart Rate Variability. European Journal of Pain, submitted 171020
Anke Hofste, Remko Soer, Etto Salomons, Jan Peuscher, Andre´ Wolff, Han van der Hoeven, Frits Oosterveld, Gerbrand Groen and Hermie Hermens, Intramuscular EMG Versus Surface EMG of Lumbar Multifidus and Erector Spinae in Healthy Participants SPINE 2020, 45, 20, E1319–E1325
Schräder NHB, Bolling MC, Wolff AP. Letter to the Editor: Ordering the Chaos in Cannabinoid-Related Research: Is It Time for a Task Force on Taxonomy? Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research 28 Dec 2020
Anke Hofste, Remko Soer, Gerbrand J. Groen, Job van der Palen, Frank J. B. Geerdink,m Frits G.J. Oosterveld, Henri Koers, André P. Wolff, Hermie Hermens. Functional and morphological lumbar multifidus characteristics in subgroups with low back pain in primary care. Muskuloskeletal Science and Practice 2021, 55, 102429.
Anaesthesiology and Pain Medicine (international journals, non peer reviewed)
Wolff A, Megens H, Gielen M, Knape J, Booij L. Articaine 4% and prilocaine 2% in epidural anaesthesia. Int Monit Reg Anaesth 1994
Wolff A, Hasselström L, Kerkkamp H, Gielen M. Ropivacaine and bupivacaine in lumbar epidural anaesthesia for hip surgery. Int Monit Reg Anaesth 1994
Anaesthesiology and Pain Medicine (national, peer reviewed)
Wolff AP, Groen GJ, Crul BJP. Diagnostische proefblokkades van lumbosacrale spinale zenuwen: een prospectief dubbelblind onderzoek naar variabiliteit en interpretatie van segmentale effecten. Ned Tijdschr Geneesk 2001; 145: 447
Wolff A, Groen G, Wilder-Smith O, van Egmond J, Crul B. Lumbale segmentale zenuwblokkaden met locaal anesthetica, pijn en sensorische functie: Een prospectieve dubbel blinde studie met lidocaine and ropivacaine. Ned Tijdschr Anesth 2004; 17: 7-8
Wolff A, Wilder-Smith O, Groen G, van der Heijden M, Crul B. Lumbale segmentale zenuwblokkaden met locaal anesthetica, pijn en motorische functie: Een prospectieve dubbel blinde studie met lidocaine and ropivacaine. Ned Tijdschr Anesth 2004; 17: 12
van Dongen R, Wolff AP. Naar een nieuwe plaats voor de behandeling van pijn binnen het specialisme anesthesiologie. Ned Tijdschr Anesth 2005; 18: 2-5
Patijn J, Tibboel D, Versteegen G, Wolff AP, Köke A. De Pijnkenniscentra na 2007: een absolute noodzaak! Ned Tijdschr Pijn Pijnbestr 2006; 28: 27-52
Wolff AP. The Complete Guide to Neuromuscular Blocking Agents Scientific. CD Rom. Editor LHDJ Booij 1996
Wolff AP, Groen GJ. Diagnostiek van patiënten met chronische lage rugpijn met uitstraling naar het been zonder neurologische afwijkingen: De waarde van segmentale zenuwblokkaden. Pijninfo 2005; 6: 25-38
Wolff AP Crul BJP. Een pijnlijke ingreep. Medisch Contact 2006; 61: 1932-3
Wolff AP. De zin van post-operatieve pijnbestrijding: voorkomen blijft beter dan genezen! Bijblijven! 2006; 22: 38-47
Scholten W, Huygen FJPM, Schiere S, Wolff AP. WHO pijnladder - baanbrekend instrument en obsoleet tegelijk. Huisarts en Wetenschap 2017, WHO pijnladder – baanbrekend instrument en obsoleet tegelijk. Nederlandstalig Tijdschrift Pijnbestrijding 2018:37 (72), 7-10
Wolff A, Thomassen I, de Jong E, Engelbart D, Niendieker, Oosting H. De Health Deal Chronische Pijn. NTPP. 2018; 74: 14-19
Koers L, Kooij FO, Wolff AP, Over LM, Preckel B. A standardized user-applied drug label for high-risk anaesthetic drugs. NTVA 2019; 32, 2: 53-59
Anaesthesiology and Pain Medicine (National, non peer reviewed)
Wolff AP. The Complete Guide to Neuromuscular Blocking Agents Scientific. CD Rom. Editor LHDJ Booij 1996
Wolff AP. De zin van post-operatieve pijnbestrijding: voorkomen blijft beter dan genezen! Bijblijven! 2006; 22: 38-47
Wolff AP. Oration, 29th of november, 2016, Groningen: “Other light on chronic pain: No symptom but disease!”
Anaesthesiology and Pain Medicine (Chapters in) books
Wolff AP. Low Back Pain in: Guidelines Anesthesiological Pain Treatment. Ed F. Boersma et al. NVA and CBO 1996
Wolff AP. Treatment in Chronic Low Back Complaints. Chapter in Guideline Aspecific Low Back Complaints, Ed. Koes et al CBO. 2002: 53-78.
Wolff AP. Diagnostic Segmental Nerve Root Blocks in Patients with Chronic Radiating Low Back Pain: Bringing Light to the Darkness? PhD Thesis, Nijmegen 2006. ISBN 90-9020520-9
ten Napel H, van Leeuwen M, Patijn J, Wolff A, de Vries-Robbé P. Nederlandse terminologie voor pijn. Versie 1.0. Eds. de Vries-Robbé PF and Wolff AP. Pain Knowledge Centre Nijmegen, Medische informatiekunde 2007
Wolff A. Fantoompijn. Hoofdstuk in: Praktische Handleiding Anesthesiologische Pijnbestrijding. Eds M. van Kleef, J. van Zundert, J. Patijn, F. Huijgen. De Tijdstroom 2010; 261-6
Wolff A, Vanduynhoven E, van Kleef M, Huygen F, Pope JE, Mekhail N. Phantom pain. Chapter in: Evidence-based Interventional Pain Medicine according to clinical diagnoses (eds Jan Van Zundert J, Patijn J, Hartrick C, Lataster A, Huygen F, Mekhail N, van Kleef M. Wiley Blackwell 2011; 404-13; ISBN: 978-0-470-67130-6
Wolff A. Fantoompijn. Hoofdstuk in: Handboek pijngeneeskunde. Redactie: F.J.P.M. Huygen, M. van Kleef, K.C.P. Vissers, W.W.A. Zuurmond. De Tijdstroom 2014; 303-13. ISBN 9789058982407
Wolff A. Pijn na amputatie. Hoofdstuk in: Revalidatie na een beenamputatie. Redactie J.H.B. Geertzen en J.S. Rietman. Koninklijke van Gorkum 2018;ISBN folioboek 978 90 232 5533 8. ISBN ebook 978 90 2323 55334 5
Patient Safety and Quality of Patient Care (international journals, peer reviewed)
Damen J, Wolff AP, Poldermans D. Prevention of perioperative cardiac complications in non-cardiac surgery: an update. Neth J Crit Care, 2009; 13; 6: 295-6
Heideveld-Chevalking AJ, Calsbeek H, Damen J, Gooszen H, Wolff AP. The impact of a standardized incident reporting system in the perioperative setting: a single center experience on 2,563 ‘near-misses’ and adverse events. Patient Safety in Surgery 2014; 8: 46.
Bloo GJA, Hesselink GJ, Oron A, Emond YJJM, Damen J, Dekkers WJM, Westert G, Wolff AP, Calsbeek H, Wollersheim HC. Meta-analysis of operative mortality and complications in patients from minority ethnic groups. Brit J Surg 2014; 101, 11: 1341-1349; DOI: 10.1002/bjs.9609
Emond YE, Calsbeek H, Teerenstra S, Bloo GJ, Westert GP, Damen J, Wolff AP, Wollersheim HC. Improving the implementation of perioperative safety guidelines using a multifaceted intervention approach: protocol of the IMPROVE study, a stepped wedge cluster randomized trial. Implement Sci. 2015;10(1):3.
Available from:
Emond YE, Stienen JJ, Wollersheim HC, Bloo GJ, Damen J, Westert GP, Boermeester MA, Pols MA, Calsbeek H, Wolff AP. Development and measurement of perioperative patient safety indicators. Br J Anaesth. 2015 Jun;114(6):963-72. Available from:
de Haan LS, Calsbeek H, Wolff AP. Patient Education May Improve Perioperative Safety. J Anesth Surg 2016;3(6):1-9.
Bloo GJA, H. Calsbeek RN, Emond EJJM, Teerenstra S, Peters Y, Damen J, Westert G, Akkersdijk GP, Krugten RJ van, Wolff AP, Wollersheim HC. No Increased Peri-operative Risk in non-Western Minority Patients. A explorative transversal cohort study. 2017 submitted
Heideveld-Chevalking AJ, Calsbeek H, Emond YJ, Damen J, Jeroen Meijerink WJH, Hofland J, Wolff AP. A surgical patient safety observation tool (SPOT): development of a perioperative patient tracer and results of a multicentre pilot observational study in daily practice. BJS Open 2017, 10.1002/bjs5.44/14901650
Leong K, Hanskamp-Sebregts M, van der Wal R and Wolff A. Effects of perioperative briefing and debriefing on patient safety: a prospective intervention study. BMJ Open 2017;7:e018367. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2017-018367
Heideveld-Chevalking AJ, Calsbeek H, Griffioen I, Damen J, Jeroen Meijerink WJH, Wolff AP. Development and validation of a Self-assessment Instrument for Perioperative Patient Safety (SIPPS). BJS Open, BJS Open 2018; 2: 119–127
Emond Y et al. Increased adherence to the national perioperative safety guidelines Results of the IMPROVE stepped-wedge, cluster-randomized multicenter study" submitted to the New England Journal of Medicine
Bloo GJA , H. Calsbeek RN, Emond EJJM, Teerenstra S, Peters Y, Damen J, Westert G, Akkersdijk GP, van Krugten RJ, Wolff AP, Wollersheim HC. Peri-operative risk in non-western minority patients. A single centre cohort study. NTvA, 2019;32;1:11-19
Yvette E. J. J. M. Emond, André P. Wolff, Yvonne A. S. Peters, Gerrit J. A. Bloo, Gert P. Westert, Johan Damen, Hiske Calsbeek and Hub C. Wollersheim. Reducing work pressure and IT problems and facilitating IT integration and audit & feedback help adherence to perioperative safety guidelines: a survey among 95 perioperative professionals. Science Communications 2020: 1:49,
A J Heideveld-Chevalking, H Calsbeek, J Hofland, W J H J Meijerink, A P Wolff. Prospective methods for identifying perioperative risk-assessment methods for patient safety over 20 years: a systematic review, 2020, vol. 4, issue 2, 2020, p. 197-205. BJS open DOI.
Bloo G, Calsbeek H, Westert G, Dekkers W, Akkersdijk G, Krugten R, Wolff AP, Wollersheim H. Perioperative safety determinants in ethnic patient groups An interview study in high risk surgery patients. Annals of Nursing and Practice. Accepted july 2020
Patient Safety and Quality of Patient Care (national journals, peer reviewed)
Damen J, Wolff AP, Legemaate J, Scheffer GJ. Verantwoorde zorg: de lessen van recente incidenten. Ned Tijdschr Geneesk 2009; 8: 344-7
Damen J, Wolff AP, Veldkamp C. Meten en verbeteren van kwaliteit. Ned Tijdschr Anesth 2009; 21: 4-13
Damen J, Wolf AP, Wollersheim H. Risicoanalyses zijn essentiële elementen van het veiligheidsmanagementsysteem, maar maken ze de zorg ook veiliger? A&I 2010; 3: 53-8
Coumans T, Maissan I, Wolff A, Stolker RJ, Damen J en Scheffer GJ. Brand door zelfontbrandende zuurstofcilinders. Ned Tijdschr Geneesk 2010; 154: A2137
Wolff AP, Boermeester M, Janssen I, Pols M, Damen J. De landelijke CBO-richtlijn ‘Preoperatief traject’. Ned Tijdschr Geneesk. 2010; 154, A2184
Wolff AP, Go P, Koopman-van Gemert AWMM, Damen J, Boermeester MA. Surpass checklist opgenomen in landelijke richtlijnen perioperatieve traject. De relatie tussen de landelijke richtlijn preoperatief traject en de Surpass. De Anesthesioloog 2010; 4: 6-9
Wolff A. Implementatie van de landelijke richtlijn. Preoperatief Traject in het UMC St Radboud. FMT Gezondheidszorg (Faculty Management and Medical Technology) 2011; 4: 22-25
Stienen J, Ouwens M, Pols M, Balhuizen F, Wolff A. Hoe kom je tot de kern van de zaak? Methoden voor het bereiken van consensus over kernaanbevelingen. TSG 2011; 8: 405-408.
Damen J, Wolff AP, Scheffer GJ. Maakt subspecialisatie de anesthesiologische zorg beter en veiliger? Ned Tijdschr Anesth 2011; 1: 4-8
Damen J, Mueller DAT, Wolff AP, Ackermans GEA. Verbood de middeleeuwse kerk met de uitspraak ‘Ecclesia abhoret a sanguine’ het verrichten van chirurgie’? Ned Tijdschr Anesth 2012; 24: 4-6
Van Bergen M, Vreman J, Damen J, Wolff A. Het groepsinterview als kwaliteitsinstrument in de anesthesiologie. Ned Tijdschr Anesth 2012; 24: 17-20
Bucx M, Wolff A, Scheffer GJ. Het preoperatieve ‘papieren consult’: soms een prima alternatief. Ned Tijdschr Geneesk 2012; 156: A3848
Bucx MJL, Wolff AP, van den Hoogen FJA, Scheffer GJ. Het preoperatieve ‘papieren consult’ uit de schaduw. Ned Tijdschr Geneesk 2013; 26: 19-23 op ’t Hof E, Ruis L, Damen J, Bucx M, Wolff A.
Is de polikliniek anesthesiologie nu lean? Verbeteren door te standaardiseren. Kwaliteit in de Zorg. 2013; 3: 22-5
Rutgers MJ, Griffioen I, Wolff AP. De Medische Metrolijn (Medical Metro Mapping). KiZ 2015; 1, 18-21
Patient Safety and Quality of Patient Care (national journals, non peer reviewed)
Wolff A, Co-author: Leidraad verantwoordelijkheid medisch specialist bij onderhoud en beheer apparatuur, Orde van Medisch Specialisten, Utrecht 2008
Kerkkamp H, Wolff AP et al. CBO. Landelijke richtlijn Het Preoperatieve Traject. Kwaliteitsinstituut voor de gezondheidszorg CBO, Utrecht 2010
Wolff A. Co-author: Handreiking verantwoordelijkheidsverdeling bij samenwerking in de Zorg, KNMG, Utrecht, 2010
Crul B, Legemaate J, Broersen SFM, Wolff A. U bent nú lid van het medisch tuchtcollege. Medisch Contact, 2010; 65: 761-4
Wolff AP, Damen J, Boermeester M, Janssen I, Pols M. Perioperatief proces met tussenstops: Nieuwe richtlijn voor veilig opereren bouwt vier evaluatiemomenten in. Medisch Contact. 2010; 65: 812-6
Wolff AP, co-autheur. Medisch Contact: e-learning over verantwoordelijkheidsverdeling 2010:
Wolff AP, Go P, Koopman-van Gemert AWMM, Damen J, Boermeester MA. Surpass checklist opgenomen in landelijke richtlijnen perioperatieve traject. De relatie tussen de landelijke richtlijn preoperatief traject en de Surpass. Medisch Contact 2010; 7, 66 electronic publication
Damen J, Wolff AP, van der Hoeven H. Grotere sterftekans bij preoperatieve anaemie. Medisch Contact 2011; 60: 949
Wolff AP, Bekkers R, Boermeerster M et al. Landelijke richtlijn Het Peroperatieve Traject. NVA, NVvH, Utrecht 2011
Wolff A, Schuurhuis, van den Nieuwenhuyzen et al. Landelijke richtlijn Het Postoperatieve Traject. NVA, NVvH, NVGO, NOV, Utrecht 2012
van der Gulik L, Hobo I, van Dyck C, Wolff A. De OK in/op Orde. Ruimteordening op de OK. OK Operationeel 2013; 8, 3: 18-21
Wolff A, Heideveld A, Scheffer GJ. Veilig opereren vraagt om eenduidige regels. Medisch contact 2014; 26: 1320-1322
Preckel B, Kooij FA, Scheffer GJ, Wolff A. Labelverschillen leiden tot medicatiefouten. Medisch Contact, 2014; 47: 2344-2347
Patienty Safety and Quality (chapters in books)
Wolff A en Renes S. Hoofdstuk Patiëntveiligheid. In leerboek Anesthesiologie, Hennis PJ, van Dongen HPA, van Klei WA. Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, Houten 2013. ISBN 9789031398621
Wolff A en Renes. Perioperatieve veiligheid. Hoofdstuk in: Leerboek Anesthesiologie, vierde herziene druk. Redactie: Hennis PJ, van Dongen HPA, van Klei WA. Bohn, Stafleu, van Lochum 2018.ISBN 978-90-368-2112-4; ISBN eBook 978-90-368-2113.
POSTERS 2007 –
Brunnekreef JJ, Oosterhof J, Wilder-Smith OHG, Wolff AP, Crul BJP, Oostendorp RAB.
Failure to demonstrate a disturbed forearm blood flow in patients with chronic stage CRPS-1. Wetenschapsdag Anesthesiologie November 2, 2007
Dick LM, Wille F, Wolff AP, Groen GJ, Vissers KCP. Registration of epiduroscopic findings in patients with chronic low back pain radiating to the leg (CLBP-r). Wetenschapsdag Anesthesiologie November 2, 2007
van Leeuwen MJW, van Rijswijk ECAM, Wolff AP, Zentjes W, Evers AWM. Early Identification of Highârisk Patients for Chronic Back Problems in Primary Care. EFIC, 2009 Lissabon
Pols M, Wolff A, Ouwens M, Balhuizen F, van Barneveld T. Innovative guideline development. A web based transparency for expert opinion based recommendations. 6th International G-I-N Conference (Guidelines International Network) November 1-4, 2009 Lissabon
Wolff A, Damen J, Pols M. Development and implementation of the Dutch perioperative guidelines. International Forum of Safety and Quality in Healthcare, April 5-8, 2011 Amsterdam
Emond Y, Stienen J, Calsbeek H, Oron A, Damen J, Dekkers W, Ouwens M, Wollersheim H, Wolff A Development of quality indicators for monitoring perioperative care. European Care Pathway Conference May 31 and June 1, 2012 Amsterdam
Rutgers MJ, Kerkkamp H, Wolff AP. The Medical metroline. Implementing a user-friendly perioperatieve patient safety process. IHI December 9-12, 2011 Orlando
Calsbeek H, Stienen J, Emond Y, Wollersheim H, Wolff A. Performance measurement in perioperatieve care: development of indicators and insight in current practice and patient safety. ISQua 2012, Amsterdam
Calsbeek H, Emond Y, Stienen J, Wolff A. Performance measurement in perioperative care: development of indicators and insight in current practice and patient safety. ISQua October 21-24, 2012 Geneve
Pols M, Ouwens M, van Barneveld T, Wolff A. Development of multidisciplinary guidelines for perioperative processes: How to reach consensus efficiently? GIN (Guidelines International Network) Congress August 22-25, 2012 Berlin Germany
Heideveld-Chevalking A, Calsbeek H, Gooszen H, Wolff A, Damen J. Niet naleven van procedures belangrijkste oorzaak van perioperatief gemelde onveiligheid. Benchmarkcongres September 26, 2013, AMC
Heideveld-Chevalking A, Blok L, de Wolf K, Wolff A. Praktijkvoorbeeld terugkoppeling perioperatieve incidentmeldingen. Benchmarkcongres September 26, 2013 AMC
Bloo G; Calsbeek H, Emond Y, Peters Y, Damen J, Westert G, Akkersdijk G, van Krugten RJ, Wolff A, Wollersheim H. Does the perioperative patient safety differ between ethnic minority and ethnic majority patients? 15th International Conference for Integrated Care 2015 Edinburgh
Heideveld-Chevalking AJ, Calsbeek H, Damen J, Gooszen H, Wolff AP. The impact of a standardized incident reporting system in the perioperatieve setting: a single center experience on 2,563 ‘near miss / adverse events. EORNA congress May 2015 Rome
Timmerman H, Wolff AP, van Dasselaar N, Steegers M, Wilder-Smith OH, Vissers KCP. The validity of the PAINDETECT in patients after breast cancer. ‘NeuPSIG’ May 14-17, 2015 Nice France
Heideveld-Chevalking A, Calsbeek H, Emond YJ, Damen J, Hofland J, Wolff AP. A surgical patient safety observation tool (SPOT) Development of a perioperative patient tracer. EORNA Rome 2016
Heideveld-Chevalking AJ, Calsbeek H, Emond YJ, Damen J, Jeroen Meijerink WJH, Hofland J, Wolff AP. A surgical patient safety observation tool (SPOT): development of a perioperative patient tracer. AORN 2017
Soer R; Buwalda N; Mireau J; Coppes M; Wolff AP; Schiphorst Preuper HR; Reneman MF. Can we change health care seeking behavior in patients with chronic low back pain? The Society for Back Pain research. symposium 2018 Groningen
Schuttert I, Timmerman H, Groen G, Wolff AP. CLaSSICO study CentraL SenSitisation In patients with Chronic lOw back pain radiating to the leg undergoing segmental nerve root blocks. Study protocol. The Society for Back Pain research. Symposium 2018 15-16 nov. Groningen
Schuttert I, Timmerman h, Groen GJ, Wolff AP. PRINCE study. Effects of Tapentadol on chronic pain and parameters of central sensitization. A prospective, open label, randomized cross-over study with pregabalin as comparator (study protocol). The Society for Back Pain research. Symposium 2018 15-16 nov. Groningen
Dutmer AL, Reneman MF, Wolff AP, Soer R, Schiphorst Preuper HR, Groningen Spine Cohort group. Groningen Spine Cohort: very high personal and societal impact of chronic low back pain in patients seeking tertiary multidisciplinary care. The Society for Back Pain research. Symposium 2018 15-16 nov. Groningen
Daniela Rosenberger, Florian Henrich, Alicia Zieher, Francine Geiss, Wolfgang Greffrath, Rolf-Detlef Treede, Hans Timmerman, André Wolff, Walter Magerl. Modifications of somatosensory profiles in human hairy and glabrous skin following one hour application of high concentration capsaicin patches Worldcongress IASP 2020 Amsterdam
Eshuis TAH, Stuijt PJC, Nielsen PM, Timmerman H, Soer R, Wolff AP. De relatie tussen zelf-gerapporteerde symptomen van centrale sensitisatie, allodynie en hyperalgesie: een exploratieve pilot studie (ActiVitae studie). PAIN 2020
Probability of Central Sensitization in patients with chronic low back pain radiating to one leg Schuttert, I. 1 , Timmerman, H. 1 , Petersen, K.K. 2 , Arendt-Nielsen, L 2 , Groen, G.J. 1 and Wolff, A.P. 1 1 University Medical Center Groningen, Anesthesiology Pain Center, Groningen, The Netherlands 2 Aalborg Universitet, Aalborg, Denmark; Congres PAIN, 2020
The Troubles With Patient Inclusion in a Study About Pain in Patients With Endometriosis Schuttert, I.1 , Timmerman, H. 1 , Petersen, K.K. 2 , Arendt-Nielsen, L. 2 , Klinkert, E.R. 1 , Malmberg, G.G.A. 1 , Groen, G.J. 1 and Wolff, A.P. 1 1 University Medical Center Groningen, Anesthesiology Pain Center, Groningen, The Netherlands 2 Aalborg Universitet, Aalborg, Denmark; Congres PAIN, 2020
Last modified: | 25 June 2022 09.06 a.m. |