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Adolescents' academic performance: what helps them and what hinders them from achievement and success?

Adolescents' Wellbeing at School: What Helps and What Hinders From Feeling Safe and Satisfied?

Barriers and enablers for sufficient moderate-to-vigorous physical activity: The perspective of adolescents

Effectiveness of a health literacy intervention targeting both chronic kidney disease patients and health care professionals in primary and secondary care: a quasi-experimental study

Emotional problems and academic performance: the role of executive functioning skills in undergraduate students

Investigating the use of support in secondary school: the role of self-reliance and stigma towards help-seeking

Psychometric properties of the Knowledge and Attitudes to Mental Health Scales in a Dutch sample (KAMHS-NL): A comprehensive mental health literacy measure in adolescents

Unravelling the role of health literacy among individuals with multimorbidity: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Health literacy education at the time of COVID-19: development and piloting of an educational programme for university health professional students in 4 European countries

Opportunities to strengthen resilience of health care workers regarding patient safety