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About us Practical matters How to find us A. (Anita) Casarotto, PhD


Emerging empires and opportunistic land-use legacies: Testing a new model on Rome’s conquest and colonization through archaeological survey data in the territories of Cosa and Tarraco

Digital Field Survey Archaeology: recupero di legacy data di ricognizioni di superficie in Molise e Puglia con lo stage del Reale Istituto Neerlandese di Roma

Abitare le zone interne dell’Italia di ieri, oggi e domani. Il progetto archeologico dell’area del Tappino, in Molise, tra ricostruzione storica e tutela del Patrimonio Culturale tramite “Citizen Science”

Digitising Legacy Field Survey Data: A Methodological Approach Based on Student Internships

Contextualizing Papius: Samnite traces in the Roman colonial context of Venusia

Surface visibility and the validity of settlement patterns in legacy survey datasets

A systematic GIS-based analysis of settlement developments in the landscape of Venusia in the Hellenistic-Roman period

Assessing visibility and geomorphological biases in regional field surveys: The case of Roman Aesernia

Spatial patterns in landscape archaeology: A GIS procedure to study settlement organization in early Roman colonial territories

A method for modeling dispersed settlements: visualizing an early Roman colonial landscape as expected by conventional theory