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Research interests

Psychotic disorders

Auditory hallucinations in youth


Mindful Yoga Versus Relaxation for Young Adults With Symptoms of Depression: A Randomized Controlled Comparison of Two Brief Laboratory-Based Interventions

Cost-effectiveness of a mindful yoga intervention added to treatment as usual for young women with major depressive disorder versus treatment as usual only: Cost-effectiveness of yoga for young women with depression

The temporal dynamics of daily stress, affect, and several affect regulation processes, in patients with chronic mood and anxiety disorders before and after a mindful yoga intervention

Translation and Validation of the Dutch Version of the Spiritual Care Competence Questionnaire (SCCQ-NL)

Age-Related Social Cognitive Performance in Individuals With Psychotic Disorders and Their First-Degree Relatives

Associations between genetic liabilities to smoking behavior and schizophrenia symptoms in patients with a psychotic disorder, their siblings and healthy controls

Brief mindful yoga intervention fails to prevent depression-related outcomes after a dysphoric affect induction

Cardiovascular risk assessment methods yield unequal risk predictions: a large cross-sectional study in psychiatric secondary care outpatients

Personal recovery suits us all: A study in patients with non-affective psychosis, unaffected siblings and healthy controls

Six-year trajectories and associated factors of positive and negative symptoms in schizophrenia patients, siblings, and controls: Genetic Risk and Outcome of Psychosis (GROUP) study