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Debates and lectures

Short courses and public lectures

In Studium Generale Groningen, the University of Groningen and Hanze University of Applied Sciences work together. SGG organises innovative and multidisciplinary activities in the field of science, culture and society. The varied programme, which includes lectures, films and debates, is aimed at a wide audience of students, teachers and other interested parties from the city and region. Studium Generale sharpens the mind and broadens your horizon.

Studium Generale Leeuwarden Logo

Studium Generale Leeuwarden

Studium Generale Leeuwarden makes high-profile scientific topics accessible to a wide audience. Campus Fryslân, Tresoar and NHL Stenden Hogeschool work together and, as SGL, organise 'live' meetings, quizzes and lectures by renowned scientists and experts. Podcasts can also be listened to. Always fun and interesting!

Spraakmakende boeken

'Spraakmakende boeken' is an annual series of seven lectures on literature for a wide audience.

Activities for alumni

Last modified:10 January 2024 4.19 p.m.
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