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G. Versteeg


Dr G. Versteeg, Professor of Process Development


Topics of interest: CO2 capture

Approach: process technology




Energy Efficient Capture of CO2.

Capturing and compressing CO2 requires much energy and would increase the fuel needs of a coal-fired plant with CCS by 25 to 40%. Research aimed at more energy-efficient capture of CO2 from flue gases is therefore key to energy efficiency and to economically sound electricity plants fired by fossil-fuel. This group develops fundamental insights into the effect of solvent quality on the loading of absorption liquid. The result is a generic thermodynamic model that can be used for selection of appropriate antisolvents. This model is the starting point for a conceptual process design, including regeneration of anti-solvents. Technical and economic evaluation of this design will help determine the feasibility of implementing process technologies dedicated to CCS.

Last modified:20 May 2022 10.25 a.m.