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Vanclay Group


dr. F.M.D. (Frank) Vanclay


Topics of interest:

Social Impact Assessment, sense of place, social aspects of food environment agriculture science & technology (FEAST), human dimensions of climate change natural resource management and environmental management, smart cities


Cultural geography, interdisciplinary approaches


Frank Vanclay, Professor of Cultural Geography


On the Wings of L’Aquila (under the leadership of Monica Brezzi OECD and Prof Phil McCann University of Groningen)

Development of outcome indicators for EU cohesion policy

Impact Benefit Agreements and SIA, PhD project

Social impacts of Electricity Corridors, in partnership with Prof Maria Partidario (IST, University of Lisbon) and Collingwood Environmental Planning Ltd (UK) to contribute impact assessment and community engagement skills to the Modular Development Plan on pan-European Electricity Highways System 2050 (MoDPEHS) under the auspices of the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSOE).

Last modified:20 May 2022 10.25 a.m.