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Society/business Collaborating with the University of Groningen Industry Relations
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©Unsplash: Romain Vignes

Reading Between the Lines - Artificial Intelligence in Linguistics

Datum:13 oktober 2020
Auteur:Team Industry Relations
Every day billions of words are written, people write short texts, long texts, formal texts and informal gibberish. Language is a big part of how we communicate what we think, how we feel and who we are. To every text, there is more meaning than just the words itself. How to make sense of it all? Professor Malvina Nissim from the Center for Language and Cognition (CLCG) of the University of Groningen (UG) researches the applications of artificial intelligence (AI) in linguistics. She is specifically interested in author profiling - finding out about characteristics of an author by analyzing the text.
© photo: Photos Hobby on Unsplash

Understanding Human and Artificial Intelligence

Datum:22 september 2020
Auteur:Team Industry Relations
Artificial intelligence is in the spotlight in today’s world and it gets more attention than human intelligence. Still, human intelligence and artificial intelligence are closely related. People use metaphors of the human brain to explain artificial intelligence and there are many similarities regarding the architecture of both. In professor Niels Taatgen’s group, this relation is turned around. They work on a cognitive architecture called PRIMs that puts artificial intelligence to work to achieve a better understanding of the human brain. Understanding human intelligence is a huge challenge, but improved understanding holds great potential for psychology and AI research alike.
© photo: Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Cutting Crime Impact - the human rights and ethics watchdog

Datum:15 september 2020
Auteur:Team Industry Relations
Law enforcement agencies (LEAs) are confronted with difficult decisions regularly. They need to decide on effective policing, recidivism of criminals and find ways to improve overall security. Those are complicated decisions which should be taken based on facts and data. This complex collection and analytics exercise is increasingly supported by algorithms assisting LEAs, because they are capable of including more information in the decision-making. However, when automated decisions come into play, a close look at details is needed since lives of citizens and groups are shaped by technology. Oskar Gstrein, Assistant Professor at the Department of Governance and Innovation at Campus Fryslân, works on a Horizon 2020 project called Cutting Crime Impact (CCI) to solve ethical, legal and social issues in automated law enforcement.
AI Series: Bart Verheij- Hybrid Intelligence: Expanding Human Intellect with Artificial Intelligence

Hybrid Intelligence - Expanding Human Intellect with Artificial Intelligence

Datum:10 september 2020
Auteur:Team Industry Relations
Is artificial intelligence (AI) good or bad? The question is as old as AI itself. Professor Bart Verheij, Head of Department Artificial Intelligence in the Bernoulli Institute of the University of Groningen has his mind already made up. He wants to make this clear with his involvement in the Hybrid Intelligence project.
© photo: Bongkarn Thanyakij from Pexels

Leave no one behind - how to design an inclusive e-government

Datum:03 september 2020
Auteur:Team Industry Relations
Many of our everyday activities have moved to the web already. Due to current times, the developments accelerated rapidly. We meet friends online, we go shopping online, we follow lectures and educate ourselves online. Recently, there has also been a shift towards governmental services becoming more digital. Prof. dr. Sofia Ranchordas, Chair of European and Comparative Public Law at the University of Groningen (RUG), researches how this transformation takes place. She uses her insights to advise public bodies on how to design for digital inclusion, when governments digitize their services.
© photo: Franck V. on Unsplash

Artificial Intelligence at the UG: Innovative theory and impactful applications

Datum:27 augustus 2020
Auteur:Team Industry Relations

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become one of the hot-topics in research of recent years. At the UG, AI research is being performed already for a longer period of time by a large number of researchers at different faculties. Various centers dedicated to...

© Industry Relations

Green Industry Innovation Agenda

Datum:10 augustus 2020
Auteur:Team Industry Relations
Met veel genoegen presenteren wij de Green Industry Innovation Agenda van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG). Met deze agenda presenteren we de algemene ambities en het onderzoek van 99 onderzoekers van 7 verschillende faculteiten, evenals onderzoeksanalyses, huidige samenwerkingen en activiteiten op het gebied van ondernemerschap. Bovendien beschrijft de agenda verschillende mogelijkheden voor toekomstige gezamenlijke projecten met relevante stakeholders, zoals bedrijven, overheidsorganisaties en onze partners van de Universiteit van het Noorden.
© photo: Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

Een duurzamere en gezondere samenleving door koolhydratenonderzoek.

Datum:19 mei 2020
Auteur:Team Industry Relations
Gezonde en duurzame alternatieven voor bestaande producten; koolhydraten hebben volop potentie om hieraan bij te dragen. Hoe die bijdrage er precies uit kan zien, onderzoekt het Carbohydrate Competence Centre (CCC), een samenwerking tussen de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG) en de Wageningen University & Research (WUR). Het CCC werkt hierbij nauw samen met de Nederlandse industrie, waardoor de afstand tussen wetenschap en de markt relatief klein is.
© photo: Pixabay / Pexels

De toekomst van duurzame waterstof

Datum:12 mei 2020
Auteur:Team Industry Relations
Waterstof is een brandstof voor voertuigen en machines, gewonnen met behulp van aardgas. Efficiënt, maar niet milieuvriendelijk door de schadelijke stoffen die daarbij vrijkomen. Waterstof gewonnen uit groene stroom is een mogelijke oplossing. ‘Is het tijd om daarin te investeren?’, luidde de vraag van gashandelaar GasTerra. Het bedrijf vroeg hoogleraar Machiel Mulder om zijn expertise in te zetten. Mulder werkt aan de Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG) en is daarnaast directeur van het Centre for Energy Economics Research (CEER).
© UG photo: Jaap Spieker

De sociale impact van duurzaamheid

Datum:06 mei 2020
Auteur:Team Industry Relations
De verduurzaming van een huurhuis betekent vaak een flinke verbouwing. Hoe zorg je er als woningbouwvereniging dan voor dat zo’n verbouwing zo soepel mogelijk verloopt voor huurders? Angela Greco, onderzoeker bij Campus Fryslân in Leeuwarden, faculteit van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG), doet hier onderzoek naar. In samenwerking met woningcorporaties brengt zij de sociale impact van woningverduurzaming in kaart.
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