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Maatschappij/bedrijven Centrum voor Informatie Technologie Research and Innovation Support Virtual Reality en Visualisatie

Komplot paging demo


       program page

       dimension year(20), height(20), weight(20)
       data height /60., 74., 85., 93., 100., 107., 114., 120.,
     +              125., 131., 137., 143., 149., 156., 160., 161.,
     +              162., 162., 162., 162./ 
       data weight / 4., 9.5, 12., 14.5, 16., 18.5, 20.5, 22.5,
     +               25., 28., 31., 35., 40.5, 46., 51., 52.,
     +               54., 54.5, 55., 55./

       call SCALE_DIMENSIONS(0.75)
       call PAGE_DIMENSIONS(20., 23.)
       call SHIFT_FRAME_IN_PAGE(0.,0.)
       call TICK_DISTANCES(1.6, 1.5)
       call SUB_INTERVALS( 4, 5)

       call FRAME(16., 0., 20., 21., 50., 190.,
     + 'Age (year)','Length (cm)','Length and weight of girls')

       do 10 i = 1, 20
10       year(i) = i-1.0
       call CURVE('Length',20, year, height)

       call SHIFT_FRAME_IN_PAGE(0.,0.)
       call AXIS_INTERSECTION(16., 0.)
       call TICK_DISTANCES(1.8, 2.5)
       call SUPPRESS_BORDER(1)
       call SUPPRESS_AXES(1, 0)
c 9999.0 means : add legend entry to legend of previous frame:
       call LEGEND_POSITION(9999., 0.)

       call FRAME(16., 0., 20., 21., 0., 84.,
     + ' ', 'Weight (kg)',' ')
       call LINE_STYLE_NR(2)
       call CURVE('Weight', 20, year, weight)

c call KOMPLOT with PostScript driver ( = plotfile)
c      call KOMPLOT(40,'')
c      call system('xv')


Laatst gewijzigd:02 oktober 2015 22:23
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