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Society/business Center for Information Technology Research and Innovation Support Virtual Reality and Visualisation

KOMPLOT output devices

Komplot postprocessor

Graphical output is produced in two or three steps. Firstly, Komplot-routines generate a (readable ASCII) intermediate file, with default name KOMPLOT.TMP. This file has to be postprocessed in step two by the program Komplot to make the graphs. PostScript files, generated in step two can be printed or viewed in step three with xv, ghostview, ghostscript or another PostScript viewer.

The (interactive) program Komplot can be started by the shell script komplot with three optional sequential parameters:



  • IDEV = integer to specify device driver (s):

        IDEV = 0 (default), interactive specification by the following menu:

     >>> device specification (IDEV):
     >>> 1  = Tek Mode (CNTRL + middel mouse button
              in xterm window +'Swith to Tek Mode'
     >>> 40 = PostScript, preview PostScript file
              with e.g. xv, ghostscript or ghostview  
     >>> 50 = Encapsulated PostScript

     >>> Color is supported in PostScript
     >>> IDEV negative : picture to be skipped

     >>> enter IDEV : 

  • PLOTFILE = file with output code as specified by IDEV = 40, 50

    default: PLOTFILE =

    Several PostScript attributes can be changed. Use ghostview, ghostscript or xv to preview a PostScript file.

  • INTERMEDIATE FILE transfers the KOMPLOT data between an application program with KOMPLOT routine calls and the postprocessor KOMPLOT. default: INTERMEDIATE FILE = KOMPLOT.TMP


  • komplot : same as komplot 0 KOMPLOT.TMP
  • komplot 40 PLOT.PS: PostScript to file PLOT.PS
  • komplot 50 PLOT.EPS: Encapsulated PostScript to file PLOT.EPS


Routine Komplot

The postprocessor Komplot can also be called inside an application program. The Fortran call is: CALL KOMPLOT(IDEV, PLOTFILE) where IDEV and PLOTFILE are as defined above.


  • Fortran: CALL KOMPLOT (50, 'PLOT.EPS')
  • C/C++: komplot(50,"PLOT.EPS");


Graphs in documents

An Encapsulated PostScript plotfile can be imported in Latex using the instruction \special.


  • \put(xll,yll){\special { psfile = filename hscale = 75 vscale = 50}}, where xll, yll are coordinates of the lowerleft corner and filename is the name of the encapsulated postscript plotfile. Hscale and vscale are postscript commands to scale the graph.
Encapsulated PostScript can be imported in Word. The program xv can convert a postscript file to JPEG-format which can be imported in Word. Use a picture editor like IrfanView to remove superfluous white space.
Last modified:02 October 2015 10.22 p.m.