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Society/business Center for Information Technology Research and Innovation Support Virtual Reality and Visualisation

Change layout


      program change_layout

      dimension x(12),y1(12),y2(12)
      data y1 /11.,6.8,5.,6.,3.,4.,2.,4.,8.,7.,7.,10.5/
      data y2 /7.5,7.,4.,7.,4.,5.,6.,4.,7.,4.,5.,6/

      call SCALE_DIMENSIONS (0.6)
      call SCALE_ANNOTATIONS (1.5)
      call SUPPRESS_BORDER (1)
      call MONTH_LABELS (1, 0)
      call EXTRA_AXES (1, 1)
      call SUB_INTERVALS (1, 5)
      call TICK_DISTANCES (2.0, 4.0)
      call LEGEND_POSITION (5.0, 10.0)
      call YLAB_ABOVE_Y_AXIS (1)

      do 10 i=1,12
10    x(i)=i

      call FRAME(22.0, 1.0, 12.0, 12.0, 0.0, 15.0,
     +'1968', '* 1000 ton', 'Export Dar-es-Salam 1968')

      call POLYLINE('Cotton', 12, x, y1)
      call LINE_STYLE_NR (1)
      call POLYLINE ('Sisal', 12, x, y2)

c make PostScript file + preview with xv
c     call KOMPLOT(41,'')
c     call system('xv')


Last modified:02 October 2015 10.22 p.m.