New blog on Data Autonomy: 'Let's do it!' – A review of the Launch Event
During the launch event of the Data Autonomy Project on June 22, attendees from all kinds of stakeholder groups from within the University of Groningen (UG), as well as regional and national stakeholders from the business and governmental sector engaged in an active dialogue about the meaning and importance of data autonomy.
Together they explored challenges and opportunities within the UG as an organisation, while placing data autonomy in a broader national and international context. The event in the House of Connections was a collaborative effort between the Center for Information Technology (CIT) and the freshly established Jantina Tammes School of Digital Society, Technology, and AI (JTS). Get an impression of the meeting on the blog of Oskar Gstrein, ambassador of the Data Autonomy Project.
Roadmap to Data Autonomy
The CIT has started the discussion to investigate the possibilities of how the University of Groningen can gain more autonomy over its data in the future. Together with various representatives from across the University, we are working on a roadmap to promote data autonomy and a strategy that will enable the UG to respect, protect and promote academic freedom in the digital age.
Laatst gewijzigd: | 02 mei 2024 17:28 |
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