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Upcoming mini-conference: 40 years of abortion legislation in the Netherlands

When: Fr 01-11-2024 13:00-18:00
House of Connections

Legal abortion access and provision cannot be taken for granted. While some states have made abortion illegal again today, there are also states that – on the contrary – ensure this right by putting it into their constitution. Histories of legal abortion and journeys towards it matter and they need to be remembered and acknowledged. 1 November 2024 marks 40 years since abortion was legislated in the Netherlands. However, it is still debatable if it can be seen as fully legislated. This mini-conference aims to bring into a conversation the historical and contemporary perspectives on abortion legalisation, abortion travel, abortion care and activism in the Netherlands and internationally. 

Please sign up before 25 October 2024:


12:30-13:00 Registration and coffee
13:00-14:30 Keynote Rebecca Gomperts (Women on Waves), 
response by Trudy Dehue (RUG)
14:30-15:00 Coffeebreak
15:00-16:00 Parallel roundtable discussions
Roundtable 1: "Legal abortion and activism" 
Interventions by: Ireen Dubel (UvA), Fleur van Leeuwen (ATRIA) and Yuliya Hilevych (RUG)
Roundtable 2: "Menstruation, abortion, and care "
Interventions by: Marlyse Debergh (UvA/University of Fribourg), Rodante van der Waal (University for Humanistic Studies), and Catrien Santing (RUG)
16:00-16:15 Break
16:15-17:00 Concluding discussion “Legacies of legal abortion”
17:00-18:00 Drinks 

If you have any questions, please get in touch with the organisers: Yuliya Hilevych (, Karen Hollewand ( or Hanneke de Boer (

ERC Starting Grant for GCHH Researcher

Yuliya Hilevych

The Centre is proud to announce one of its members was awarded an ERC Starting Grant. Yuliya Hilevych received this grant for her project titled 'Coping with decline: Comparative social-historical analysis of depopulation and community welfare in Europe, 1950-2022  (DEPOP)'. Together with her team, she will produce a first social history of depopulation in Europe. DEPOP will illuminate regional depopulation as a potent example of a slow burn crisis – occurring over extended periods of time. Our historical findings will help to better understand how and why some communities have been more resilient to the slow burn crisis of depopulation.

Throwback - Special Webinar Coronavirus Podcast: Scientific Literacy against Fake News in the Pandemic (25.01.2021)

Last modified:18 September 2024 11.07 a.m.