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Research Ruimtelijke Economie Groningen IRIOS


Interregional Input Output Software

IRIOS is a user friendly Windows based software package for standard input-output analysis. It is designed for the most extended type of interregional i-o tables, but it can equally well be used for national or single-region modelling. You can build your own model using your i-o table added with your own endogenous Variables without feedback such as employment, CO2-emission coefficients etc., and with your own type II, III and so on endogenous variables with feedback such as a consumption function (in IRIOS these extra variables with feedback are called Relations). For impact analysis various Impulses can be defined. Multipliers can be calculated for all variables and for all user defined type II, III, ... relations. Impact effects can be modelled for any combination of Impulses, Variables and Relations.

For the construction of your table, variables, relations and impulses IRIOS gives a full exchangeability with Excel or any other Windows-based application, but you can also set up your table file in CSV/TXT format directly. IRIOS is fast and efficient and can be used for very large tables. Apart from your hardware, there are no size limits to your model. Even very large tables (500*500 and over) are processed within a few seconds.

A full description of the possibilities of IRIOS is given in the manual which you can download below.

From 2006 onwards IRIOS 1.3 is available as freeware. Download installation file.
Download IRIOS manual at IRIOS-manual-US (English) or IRIOS-manual-NL (Dutch)
In 2007 we have made a revision of our syllabus on interregional IO analysis. Download IO syllabus 2007
Please find some frequently asked questions at IRIOS FAQ-page

Get more info: prof. dr. J.P. Elhorst

Telephone number: +31 (50) 36337018

Department of Economics and Econometrics
Faculty of Economics and Business
University of Groningen
P.O. Box 800
9700 AV Groningen
The Netherlands

Last modified:19 December 2019 10.20 a.m.