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Requests for reprints can be addressed to:

Wouter Hinrichs

de Boer AH, Hagedoorn P, Gjaltema D, Goede J, Frijlink HW

Air classifier technology (ACT) in dry powder inhalation. Part 1. Introduction of a novel force distribution concept (FDC) explaining the performance of a basic air classifier on adhesive mixtures

Int J Pharm, 260, 187-200, 2003

de Boer AH, Hagedoorn P, Gjaltema D, Goede J, Kussendrager KD, Frijlink HW

Air classifier technology (ACT) in dry powder inhalation. Part 2. The effect of lactose carrier surface properties on the drug-to-carrier interaction in adhesive mixtures for inhalation

Int J Pharm, 260, 201-216, 2003

de Boer AH, Hagedoorn P, Frijlink HW

The choice of compressor for the aerosolisation of tobramycin (TOBI®) with the PARI LC PLUS® reusable nebuliser

Int J Pharm, 269, 59-69, 2003

Bolhuis GK, Eissens AC, Adrichem TP, Wesselingh JA, Frijlink HW

Hollow filler-binders as excipients for direct compression

Pharm Res, 20, 515-518, 2003

Bosma JC, Hoffmann AC

On the capacity of continuous powder classification in a gas-fluidized bed with horizontal sieve-like baffles

Powder Techn, 134, 1-15, 2003

Dickhoff BHJ, de Boer AH, Lambregts D, Frijlink HW

The effect of carrier surface and bulk properties on drug particle detachment from crystalline lactose carrier particles during inhalation, as function of carrier payload and mixing time

Eur J Pharm Biopharm, 56, 291-302, 2003

Diederik H, Le Brun PPH, Frijlink HW, Vitányi PMB, Weda M, Barends DM

Drug output of unvented jet nebulizers as a function of time

Int J Pharm, 257, 33-39, 2003

Eriksson HJC, Wijngaard M, Hinrichs WLJ, Frijlink HW, Somsen GW, de Jong GJ

Potential of capillary electrophoresis for the monitoring of the stability of placental alkaline phosphate

J Pharm Biomed Anal, 31, 315-357 2003

Eriksson HJC, Verweij WR, Poelstra K, Hinrichs WLJ, de Jong GJ, Somsen GW, Frijlink HW

Investigations into the stabilisation of drugs by sugar glasses: II. Delivery of an inulin-stabilised alkaline phoshatase in the intestinal lumen via the oral route

Int J Pharm, 257, 273-281, 2003

Eriksson HJC, W.L.J. Hinrichs WLJ, de Jong GJ, Somsen GW, Frijlink HW

Investigations into the stabilization of drugs by sugar glasses: III. The influence of various high-pH buffers

Pharm Res, 20, 1437-1443, 2003

van Essenberg M, Franssen EJF, van Doorne H, van Loenen AC, Boom FA

Hoe je microben er het beste buiten houdt

PW, 138 (12), 434-436, 2003

Frijlink HW

Benefits of different drug formulations in psychopharmacology

Eur Neuropsychopharmacology, 13, S77-S84, 2003

Rigter IM, Schipper HG, Koopmans RP, Frijlink HW, Kager PA, Guchelaar HJ

Biologische beschikbaarheid van albendazol

PW, 138, 1031-1033, 2003

Westerman EM, Le Brun PPH, Touw DJ, Frijlink HW, Heijerman HGM

Sulfaat voldoet niet

PW, 138, 703-707, 2003

Zuidema J, Bolhuis GK

Wij bleven van FPZ verstoken

PW, 138, 1630-1631, 2003

Laatst gewijzigd:09 januari 2020 10:18