Traineeships medical specialists
The section Geriatrics offers an optional Geriatrics traineeship to the training for specialist in internal medicine. During this traineeship, attention is given to the pathophysiology, presentation, diagnostics and therapy of several diseases that occur frequently in elderly people, such as cognitive disorders, confusion, mobility disorders, tendency to fall, syncope, mood disorders and apathy. Besides, the specialist in training can get acquainted with common neuropsychological tests and can become experienced in doing multidisciplinary diagnostics and making problem-focused treatment plans.
Specialist in internal medicine / geriatrics
The section Geriatrics also provides training in the ‘aandachtsgebied’ elderly medicine for specialists in internal medicine who want to specialize in specific care for frail elderly patients with multimorbidity. This training lasts 18 months and consists of traineeships in Geriatrics (12 months), neurology (3 months) and elderly psychiatry (3 months). During the Geriatrics traineeship, consultation outside the hospital is also done.
Specialists in training from outside the University Hospital who want to follow the optional Geriatrics traineeship and specialists in internal medicine who want to be trained in the aandachtsgebied elderly medicine can contact the secretary of General Internal Medicine / Geriatrics: (050) 361 29 43.
Traineeship neuropsychology
Type:neuropsychological diagnostics in patients referred to Geriatrics. It involves mainly the question if there is a (starting) dementia.
Central theme:neuropsychological diagnostics of dementia
Number of trainees:1
Length of traineeship: halftime: 2 ½ days a week
Setting:Department of Geriatrics
Further information can be found at the Dutch pages of this website.
This traineeship only applies for students who speak Dutch.
Contact: C.A. Timmer, MA, e-mail: c.a.timmer@int.azg.nl
Last modified: | 21 November 2012 09.15 a.m. |