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Research Nieuwenhuis Institute for Educational Research Education in Culture


  • Youth, education and work in (post-)conflict areas
    Contact persons: Prof. Dr. Jacques Zeelen and Dr. Josje van der Linden
  • Out of the book closet. Children’s literature’s influence on adolescents’ attitude towards sexual and gender diversity (2019-2020)
    Contact person: Dr. Diana van Bergen and dr. Sanne Parlevliet Funding body: Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Seksualiteit en Maatschappij der Nederlandse Letterkunde Onderwijsfonds.
  • Enhancing community and market oriented TVET programmes in agriculture in the northern region of Mozambique (01 January 2020 – 31 December 2021)
    Contact persons: Prof. Dr. Jacques Zeelen and Dr. Josje van der Linden
  • How did education policy shape the race towards mass education? A comparative perspective based on France, Italy, Spain and Sweden, c. 1840–1940 (2017-21)
    Contact person: Johannes Westberg

    Lifelong learning in technical companies: A practice oriented research to enhance workplace learning and to craft sustainable educational trajectories for employees in technical companies (September 2019 – September 2022)
    Contact person: Josje van der Linden
  • Practical guidance with ethical dilemmas due to religious differences (2019-2022)
    Contact person: Dr. Diana van Bergen.
  • Preventing suicidality among Dutch Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) youth through a web-based intervention” (2018-2022)
    Contact person: Dr. Diana van Bergen

    Reforms in Education: A European Research Network (2020-22 )
    Contact person: Johannes Westberg

    The Nordic Graduate School of Applied History of Education (2020-25 )
    Contact person: Johannes Westberg
  • Puber en pedagoog. Reformpedagogiek en pedagogische relatie aan het begin van de twintigste eeuw
    Contact persons: Sanne Parlevliet and Mineke van Essen

Current PhD-projects

  • The training of history teachers under different policy-regimes in the Netherlands between 1963 and 1998 ( Simon van der Wal, Teachers Training Institute, NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences, Leeuwarden, 2017-2020)
  • History of knowledge and values in citizenship education (PhD student Pieter van Rees MA, 2015-2020)
  • Childhood behavioral problems: how bio-psychiatry and neuropsychology changed their conceptualization in the Netherlands, 1950-1990 (PhD student Milou Smit Msc., 2017-2021)
  • A culture of governance: the case of the Carmel secondary schools 1922-2000 (PhD student Willem van der Geest, 2018-2022)
  • Inequality of educational opportunities in the Netherlands (1965-2008) (PhD student Anita Berendsen Msc., 2020-2025)
  • Mediocrity: a conceptual history (PhD-student Chelsea Rodriguez, 2020-2024)
  • Beyond Madrasah Ibtidaiyah: Muslim primary schools in Indonesia during the colonial era (PhD-student Karra Kurdi, 2021-2025)
  • Navigating everyday racism: voices, experiences and power dynamics in higher vocational education in the Netherlands (PhD student Charlotte Wekker, 2022-26. Funded by NWO Doctoral Grant for Teachers)

Concluded PhD-projects (a selection)

  • Greetje Bijl (2014), Loopbaan en levensloop van onderwijzers en onderwijzeressen: sociale mobiliteit, huwelijk, inkomen, benoemingen en ontslag in het openbaar lager onderwijs in Groningen, ca. 1850-1920 [Career and Lives of teachers. Social mobility, marriage, income, the appointments and discharge in public school in Groningen, ca. 1850 – 1920]. 412 pp.
  • Symen van der Zee (2015), De effectiviteit van daltononderwijs [The effectiveness of Dalton education]. 270 pp.
  • Josje van der Linden (2016), Ensuring meaningful lifelong learning opportunities for groups at risk. 271 pp.
  • Marieke Dekker (2016), Effectiviteit aan de horizon: Een studie rond onderzoek naar resultaat op het gebied van de justitiële kinderbescherming in Nederland tussen 1945 en 2005 [Effectiveness on the horizon: A study of research into results in the field of judicial child protection in the Netherlands between 1945 and 2005]. 292 pp.
  • Alice Wabule (2017), Professional integrity of teachers in Uganda: Practical action strategies. 275 pp.
  • Ingrid van der Bij - de Puij (2019), De rol van de Groningse kinderrechter bij ondertoezichtstelling 1922-1995: Beperking van ouderlijk gezag door de overheid [The role of the Groningen juvenile court judge in child custody order 1922-1995: Restriction of parental authority by the government]. 385 pp.
  • Marika Curganov (2021), Kritische kijkers: Een onderzoek naar mediaopvoeding bij adventure/fantasy-verhalen in de adolescentie [Critical Viewers: An Investigation of Media Education in Adolescence Adventure/Fantasy Stories]. 249 pp.
  • Ying Zhou (2021), Education and Politics in China: Civic Education in Times of Reform, 1901-1937. 249 pp.
  • Jan Brandsma (2022), Strijdmakkers Ontstaan, groei en professionalisering van het Buitengewoon Onderwijs in Nederland ca. 1895-1950 [Comrades in arms: origin, growth and professionalization of special education in the Netherlands, ca. 1895-1950]. 604 pp.
  • Willem van der Geest (2023), In verandering koersvast: ontwikkelingen in de organisatiecultuur van de Stichting Carmelcollege 1922-2000 [Staying on track by adapting to a changing world: Developments in the organisational culture of the Stichting Carmelcollege School Foundation, 1922-2000]. 308 pp.

Last modified:20 June 2023 11.28 a.m.