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Research The Groningen Research Institute for the Study of Culture (ICOG) Research Research centres Centre for International Relations Research (CIRR) Chair Group on History and Theory of International Relations

CIRR-HTIR colloquium - Collective Reading of International Law and the Politics of History by Anne Orford (organized by Julia Costa Lopez and Filipe dos Reis)

When:Th 07-10-2021 15:00 - 17:00

Research colloquium of the chair group History and Theory of International Relations.

Collective Reading of International Law and the Politics of History by Anne Orford
(organized by Julia Costa Lopez and Filipe dos Reis)

In this session, we will read together parts of Anne Orford's recent book International Law and the Politics of History. The book intervenes in current discussions about a 'turn' to history in international law and the question of how the legal past should be studied and understood. The idea of this session is less to focus on specific details of the history of international law but rather to collectively explore the conceptual and theoretical background that a concern with history might more generally entail for students of international affairs.