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Research The Groningen Research Institute for the Study of Culture (ICOG) Research

Ethics and research

ICOG is committed to respecting and promoting ethical values and codes of conduct in research and to foster a culture of integrity among its researchers, as captured in the European Charter for Researchers. This document sets out clear guidelines and principles, should unforeseen ethical conflicts arise in relation to your research.

Euraxess is a research organisation for the European Commission.


The Research Ethics Review Committee (CETO) is the ethical committee of the Faculty of Arts, the Faculty of Philosophy, and the Faculty of Science and Engineering at the University of Groningen. It deals with research proposals that involve human subjects unless these are covered by the Medical Research Involving Human Subjects Act . CETO checks whether research proposals meet a number of criteria, and can grant a ‘Letter of No Objection’. CETO also provides templates (e.g. for informing and debriefing subjects). Applications can be filed online.

The committee consists of the following members:

Solveig Castelli is the secretary for the CETO.

For comments or complaints about the CETO or about studies that have been reviewed by CETO please contact the secretary via ceto .

Last modified:11 July 2024 11.26 a.m.