Token Test
The Token Test app is an implementation of the shortened Token Test for aphasia and language impairment detection devised by De Renzi and Faglioni (De Renzi, E., & Faglioni, P., Normative data and screening power of a shortened version of the Token Test. Cortex, 1978, 14, pp 41-49).
The current version 2 is an upgrade of the previous tablet application (Bastiaanse, R. Raaijmakers, S. & Satoer, D., 2015).
Some important changes:
- Presentation and scoring bugs fixed
- Timing adjusted
- Visual feedback implemented
- Discontinue conditions as of (De Renzi & Faglioni, 1978) original paper enabled
- New languages added
General reference:
Bastiaanse, R., Akinina, Yu., Satoer, D., de Kok, D. (2020). The Token Test App, Second Edition. Groningen (NL): The University of Groningen.
For a reference to a specific language version or other questions, please contact tokentest
You can purchase the Android version (tablets only) in the Google Play store:
The iOS (iPad only) version is available in the Apple AppStore:
Related research
The app was validated in Russian-speaking neurologically healthy individuals and people with aphasia. The preliminary results were presented at the conferences:
Akinina Yu., Buivolova O., Soloukhina O., Bastiaanse R. (2019) Psychometric properties of the Token Test App. Stem-, Spraak- en Taalpathologie, 24, 74-76. Talk presented at the 20th International Science of Aphasia Conference, September 23-26, Rome, Italy. (Link to presentation)
Akinina, Yu., Bastiaanse, R., Soloukhina, O. (2019). Automated language deficit diagnostics with the Token Test App: Test-retest reliability and practice effects. Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health (IEEE SEGAH 2019). Poster presented at IEEE SEGAH 2019, August 5-7, Kyoto, Japan. (Link to poster)
Why is there no sound?
If the app itself is not frozen, but there is no sound, the app is probably on mute. Please make sure that media sound is allowed in the tablet settings. Sometimes there are several places you need to check. For iOS, you can follow these steps . For Android, that depends on your device; please consult the manufacturer’s documentation.
Why are the results not being mailed?
Results are not mailed automatically. You have to mail them by using the "send email" function in the menu.
The Token Test App uses the default email agent on your device to send messages. If the email from within the app is not working, your email agent is probably either absent, off, or logged out. Please make sure that it is on and functional, and try again. If you can send an email but do not receive it, please make sure you are connected to the internet.
In case the issues are not resolved, or you have other questions, please contact the support at
Last modified: | 04 December 2024 09.20 a.m. |