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On this page you will find news items from the Chemical and Pharmaceutical Biology basic unit.

Upcoming PhD ceremonies

Mr. C. (Chunlong) Zhao on 22 October 2024 at 11:00
Mr. A. (Alex) Prats Luján on 4 November 2024 at 09:00
Ms. S (Sara) Russo on 5 November 2024 at 14:30

CPB news

9 May 2023 | The lab of Dr. Peter Fodran became the first GRIP pharmacy lab to achieve the LEAF bronze certificate from the Laboratory Efficiency Assessment Framework (LEAF) program in the spring of 2023. The Laboratory Efficiency Assessment Framework (LEAF) is a tool to help integrate sustainability practices into your lab. The Faculty of Science and Engineering is striving for full implementation of LEAF covering institutions and labs.
26 April 2023 | On April 25, 2023, JingxiuXie (ENTEG) and Dr. Sandy Schmidt organized the inaugural Carbon Tech Symposium at University of Groningen. The symposium was well attended by over 70 participants from academia and industry. Several invited speakers from academia and industry covered topics ranging from process considerations for air capture to methanol (and beyond) to the conversion of CO by synthetic microbial co-cultures, or cyanobacteria as cell factories for chemical production from CO2. Finally, Matthias Heinemann opened the panel discussion with an introduction to the Nationaal Groeifonds Initiative FutureCarbonNL. The lively discussion clearly shows the concerns and challenges ahead of us and highlights the importance of FutureCarbonNL. This symposium was generously sponsored by ENTEG and GRIP, as well as Sandy’s EU project ‘ConCO2rde’ and further supported by the FutureCarbonNLteam.
23 December 2022 | Dr. Sandy Schmidt appeared in the April edition of Broerstraat 5, the magazine for alumni and relations (no. 1, page 12-13) on the topic: Soil bacteria produce proteins and pharmaceuticals from carbon dioxide.
1 October 2022 | The research group of Dr. Kristina Haslinger participated in the Family Weekend of the Groningen Science Festival on October 1st at Forum Groningen. “We will have an interactive exhibition for children aged 4-12 on the use of fungi in biotech and pharma.”
16 September 2022 | Dr. Sandy Schmidt has been awarded the Biocat Award 2022 – Academic Research. Since 2004, The Biocat Award is given to outstanding individuals to acknowledge their achievements in the field of biocatalysis. She received the award during the recent International Congress on Biocatalysis in Hamburg. This prize, which is awarded in the categories “Academic Research”, “Industry”, and “Lifetime Achievement”, is among the most prestigious awards in the field of biotechnology.
27 April 2022 | Dr. Sandy Schmidt is member of the organizing committee of the ‘NextGenBiocat-An International Young Investigator Symposium’, that has been organized the second time (25-26 April 2022). The symposium that took place on-site at TU Delft is a series of annual meetings dedicated to young researchers that are active in Biocatalysisand related fields. Dr. Kristina Haslinger was an invited speaker and presented her work on ‘Natural product tailoring through enzymatic methylation in E. coli cell factories’.
22 April 2022 | Prof. Hidde J. Haisma has left the University of Groningen on 21 April 2022.
25 January 2022 | Dr. Kristina Haslinger received the prestigious FEBS Excellence Award 2021 for early career principal investigators, worth EUR 100,000. This award is to be used for her investigation of the microbiome of medicinal plants in order to understand how microbes contribute to the production of specialized metabolites in plants. This project is part of a new research line that Dr. Haslinger began in early 2020 at the University of Groningen.
Last modified:10 September 2024 10.08 a.m.
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