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Zoology 2019: International meeting on Zoology and Behavioral Biology in Groningen

23 October 2019

From 27 - 29 November 2019, the Groningen Institute for Evolutionary Life Sciences (GELIFES) at the University of Groningen will host a meeting on zoology and behavioral biology in an
unprecedented format. For the first time, the KNDV (Dutch Royal Society of Zoologists), BZS (Royal Belgian Zoological Society) and NVG (Netherlands Society for Behavioural Biology) are joining efforts to offer an exciting meeting with a focus on ‘ Learning and Memory in the Animal Kingdom – from nematodes to humans' . Current developments in this field, and in many other subjects in zoology and behavioral biology, will be highlighted during three days of oral presentations, accompanied by posters and a workshop.

The program will feature six international plenaries, including the Distinguished Zoologist Lecture by Dr Richard Morris, the Brill Baerends lecture by Dr Susanne Åkesson, and the Dobberke Evening Lecture by Dr Jolle Jolles. This meeting will build new bridges, cross-inspire, and take new steps towards forging the research community in biology and life sciences in the Netherlands. The event takes place at several locations in the city of Groningen.

Last modified:04 June 2021 09.30 a.m.

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