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Research Centre for East Asian Studies Groningen Research


Photo courtesy of Iwan Baan /
Photo courtesy of Iwan Baan /

Research on contemporary East Asia

The Centre for East Asian Studies Groningen (CEASG) initiates and supports interdisciplinary research on contemporary China, Japan, Korea and Mongolia. CEASG organises and hosts workshops, conferences and platforms on East Asia.

Research topics of faculty members include: East Asia-EU relations; EU-China/Japan/Korea economic diplomacy; Representations and narratives in EU-China/Korea relations; Carbon emission trading in Korea; History and foreign policy of Japan; China and international trade law; The European Commission and EU inter-institutional dynamics in the relationship with China/Korea, China’s Belt and Road Initiative, the third neighbour policy of Mongolia and more.   

CEASG participates in the Horizon Europe project ReConnect China: generating independent knowledge for a resilient future with China for Europe and its citizens (2022-2026).   

For details of past and upcoming CEASG research activities consult the Calendar and News section.

Laatst gewijzigd:27 februari 2024 14:44