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Research Centre for East Asian Studies Groningen

NWO-KNAW funded joint research project: Economic, political and legal influences on China-EU economic diplomacy

Vanaf:vr 05-04-2019
Tot en met:za 06-04-2019
Waar:Old Court Room, Oude Boteringestraat 38 Groningen


Precisely two years after the start of the Fudan-Tsinghua-Groningen joint research project, co-funded by NWO/KNAW-CEP, participants from the three involved research teams (two Chinese and one Dutch) will gather at Groningen University for the final conference. The purpose of this meeting is to present the most advanced stage of the research findings, to provide each other with constructive feedback, and to finalize the publication strategy.

The conference is the follow-up to a research workshop held in Shanghai in March 2018. Before the Groningen conference, by late February 2019, a revised version of the individual papers will be handed in and commented upon, so that the papers prepared for the Groningen conference will reflect that feedback.

Overview of (confirmed) contributors and themes to be addressed:

·         Ding Chun (Fudan University) China-EU economic and trade relationship: status quo, problems and perspective
·         Luo Changyuan (Fudan University) Intra-EU Trade and Sino-EU Trade: Substitute or Complementary
·         Xin Hua (Shanghai International Studies University) Domestic sources of China-EU economic diplomacy – a comparative study of think tank and interest group influence in China and the EU
·         Zhang Lihua (Tsinghua University) The assessment of OBOR by German Think-Tanks, with focus on economic issues an underlying economic development in China and Europe
·         Shi Zhiqin and Zoon Ahmed Khan (Tsinghua University) Changes in EU perspectives on OBOR
·         Cher Lai (Tsinghua University/Guangzhou Foreign Studies University) Mutual perceptions of China and the EU in terms of their economic partnership
·         Sunkung Choi (University of Groningen) China and the EU in aircraft industry
·         Jan van der Harst (University of Groningen) The role of the European Commission in EU economic foreign policy making and China-EU economic diplomacy
·         Herman Voogsgeerd (University of Groningen) China-EU treaties and practice in institutionalized venues with a focus on anti-dumping litigation
·         Frank Gaenssmantel (University of Groningen) Tracing China-EU economic diplomacy 2000-2015
·         Tjalling Halbertsma (University of Groningen) OBOR in EU-China Economic Diplomacy: Perceptions, processes and policy

For more information, please contact:

Prof. dr. Jan van der Harst: or Ms. Jennieke Oordt:

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