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Research ENTEG Discrete Technology & Production Automation Research Projects

Swarm and formation control of satellites using passivity

Formation control refers to the group formed by multiple agents maintaining a predetermined formation while moving toward a specific goal or direction, and at the same time adapting to the environmental constraints. Satellite formation technology is the forefront of aerospace application technology in the 21st century. It has opened up a new direction for the application of satellites, especially small satellites. Satellite formation can not only greatly reduce system costs, improve system reliability and survivability, but also expand the capabilities of traditional individual satellites. Passivity changes the research framework of control theory from the traditional signal processing perspective to the energy processing perspective, providing another beneficial analysis tool for nonlinear systems. In this project, passivity will be exploited for the analysis and design of swarm and formation control of satellites.

Last modified:29 January 2019 10.58 a.m.