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Research Centre for Religious Studies Research Centres Centre for Religion, Conflict and Globalization
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Results for tag: statelessness

The Religious/Secular Divide and the Global Displacement Crisis

Date:20 June 2014
Author:Religion Factor
Today is World Refugee Day and if the numbers released by the UNHCR today tell us anything, more action and new approaches are urgently needed to address the needs of the rapidly growing globally displaced population.

Saving lives – but which ones? Life, belonging and postsecular possibilities in contemporary asylum politics

Date:23 May 2013
Author:Religion Factor

In today’s post, Erin Wilson reflects on the recent decision by the Australian parliament to excise its territory from its migration zone, what this means for how we value life, how we belong and how both religious and secular perspectives can help us...

Be Welcome: Lessons in Hospitality from Victor Hugo and Monseigneur Bienvenu Part Two

Date:24 January 2013
Author:Religion Factor
Following on from Tuesday’s post, Erin Wilson writes more on how the faithful hospitality of Victor Hugo’s character Monseigneur Bienvenu from Les Miserables can contribute to contemporary political issues, in particular statelessness and migration.

Be Welcome: Lessons in Hospitality from Victor Hugo and Monseigneur Bienvenu Part One

Date:22 January 2013
Author:Religion Factor
Erin Wilson reflects on the religious themes present within Les Miserables and how they speak to contemporary political issues. My husband and I went to see the latest film adaptation of Victor Hugo’s Les Miserables over the weekend.