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Results for tag: public domain

‘The Passion’: RTL Boulevard-versie van het lijdensverhaal

Date:18 April 2014
Author:Religion Factor
Door de straten in Groningen trekt vanavond een lichtend wit kruis, en de binnenstad verandert even in Jeruzalem. The Passion is neergestreken in de stad. Wat heeft het nog te maken met het Bijbelse lijdensverhaal van Christus? Van Justin Kroesen & Birgit van der Lans.

“Culture” or “religion”? Understanding the popularity of the Passion

Date:17 April 2014
Author:Religion Factor
The Passion comes to Groningen in 2014. A hugely popular event, it raises many questions at the same time. Is it a form of religion reasserting itself in the public sphere? Is it a purely cultural event, as some commentators suggest?

Sinterklaas, Zwarte Piet and the Ethics of Public Debate

Date:15 November 2013
Author:Religion Factor

Sinterklaas and his somewhat controversial helper Zwarte Piet arrive in the Netherlands tomorrow, marking the start of the festive season. In today’s post, Erik Meinema and Erin Wilson offer thoughts from both Dutch and non-Dutch perspectives on various...

The Return of Religion in Contemporary Art

Date:20 September 2013
Author:Religion Factor

Religion has been out of fashion in many areas of public life, including the arts. However, this has not always been the case and indeed, with exhibitions such as Makoto Fujimura’s “The Four Holy Gospels” and Enrique Martinez Celaya’s exhibitions “The...

Koran & Bijbel weg uit de Tweede Kamer? De misvattingen rondom de Scheiding tussen Kerk en Staat uitgelicht.

Date:04 July 2013
Author:Religion Factor

Naar aanleiding van de ophef omtrent het verzoek van Tweede Kamer voorzitter Van Miltenburg om de Heilige Geschriften uit de Kamer te laten verwijderen, licht Carine Nijenhuis enkele misvattingen uit rondom de Scheiding tussen Kerk en Staat.

Religion: a threat to science?

Date:05 April 2013

Over the last few weeks there has been a  heated debate on medical science professor Onno van Schayck, who claimed in an interview that he once witnessed a miracle. In this post, Erik Meinema reflects on the discussion.

Turkey and Religion; included or excluded in the EU?

Date:30 March 2013

Today’s post shows Ella Sebamalai’s reflection on Turkey’s accession to the EU. On the one hand she reflects on religion and  secularism as part of the public debate, on the other hand she also illustrates the consequences of specific perceptions.

The Homo Economicus and transnational religious networks in a post-secular society

Date:21 March 2013

Last week,  Prof. Manuel A. Vasquez gave a guest lecture on “Conceptualizing domination and resistance in transnational religious networks” at the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies in Groningen. Here Ella Sebamalaiengages with the ideas he raised...

On the Political and the Personal. Or, How to Retain a Sense of “Humanity” in Egypt? Part 2

Date:11 December 2012
Author:Religion Factor
Dr Vivienne Matthies-Boon is currently in Cairo. In this continuation of her previous post, she shares with us some of her experiences and reflections on the ongoing conflict between pro-democracy campaigners and supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Religion and the Public Domain

Date:06 December 2012
Author:Maria Vliek
Continuing our series on the Master Programs at the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies in Groningen, today Jon Elbert shares his experiences from the Master in Religion and the Public Domain.