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Research Bernoulli Institute

NWO grant for project of Dr. Viktoriya Degeler

28 October 2021

Assistant professor Viktoriya Degeler from Distributed Systems, received a grant for the NWO Smart Industry project "DiTEC: Digital Twin for Evolutionary Changes in water networks".

DiTEC proposes an evolutionary approach to real-time monitoring of water networks that detects inconsistency between measured sensor data and the expected situation, and performs real-time model update without needing additional calibration. Deep learning will be applied to create a data-driven simulation of the system. In case of leaks, valve degradation or sensor faults, the model is adapted to the degraded network until the maintenance takes place, which can take a long time. We will analyse the effect on data readings of different malfunctions, and construct a mitigating mechanism that allows to continue using the data, albeit in a limited capacity.

Viktoriya Degeler is the main applicant and coordinator.

The €800,000 project is a result of collaboration of the Bernoulli Institute (BI) of the University of Groningen (Viktoriya Degeler, Alexander Lazovik), Hanzehogeschool Groningen / Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen (Peter Kamphuis), Vitens (Hester Van Het Loo, Mario Maessen), and Researchable | Innovation through data (Frank Blaauw).

The project will last four years and covers two PhD positions for the group.

Read NWO's announcement:

Viktoriya Degeler
Last modified:24 November 2021 10.57 a.m.

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