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Research Research School of Behavioural and Cognitive Neurosciences Education PhD Training Programme

Additional information

Important additional information

The Research School  BCN itself does not provide PhD positions. BCN offers the PhD training program to enrolled PhD students only. If you would  like to become a BCN PhD student, you have to apply for a vacancy at one of our departments. Please check the University of Groningen site for vacancies.

Registration of Credits

  • Registration of the educational activities will be done by the PhD student in Hora Finita, while the promotor has to approve these activities. Course applied for in the GSMS course registration system, will be automatically uploaded to Hora Finita, and approved by GSMS office.
  • BCN PhD students who fail to participate in the BCN PhD training programme will be excluded from BCN funding.


If the training requirements are fulfilled, the BCN certificate and a certificate of the Graduate School will be presented at the dissertation defence ceremony. The BCN Certificate verifies your specialization in Neurosciences.

Rules Concerning Course Registration

  • Cancelling participation implies a lowering of BCN/GSMS financial support for conferences by 200 euro, when courses are cancelled less than 3 weeks before the starting date of the course. No show also implies a lowering of BCN/GSMS financial support for conferences.

BCN Awards

  • BCN Poster Award: for the 3 best posters during the BCN Winter Meeting. Prize: a book token of 50 euro.
  • BCN Dissertation Award: for the best dissertatin of the last Academic Year of a BCN PhD student who completed the BCN Training Programme. Candidates for this award must be nominated by their promotor. Prize: 1000 euro and a presentation during the BCN Winter Meeting.
  • BCN Best Presentation Award: for the best presentation during the BCN Retreat. Participants vote. Prize: a book token of 50 euro for the day winners, the final winner will receive 250 euro extra travel budget.

PhD card

  • The PhD student card can be used as a proof that you are a PhD student, and might give discount at conferences. Order your card here. More information about the card can be found on this website.

BCN’s Social Networks

Join BCN on Facebook and LinkedIn:

Groningen Graduate Interest Network

Groningen Graduate Interest Network ( GRIN ) is an association of PhD candidates that represents PhD in Groningen. The Groningen Graduate Interest Network (GRIN) is the PhD representation organization at the University of Groningen. Our primary goal is to bring PhDs and policy makers together within the whole University and improve the PhD experience in Groning en. For any advice, question or assistance on PhD-related issues please contact GRIN. You can find more information on the website or contact them directly


Gopher, Groningen Organisation for PhD Education and Recreation, organizes events for PhD students.

Mind Mint provides anyone with an interest in research the opportunity to learn more about it, in a refreshing way, from experts in the field. Presented to you in various ways (video, blogs, social media and events) not only their own research but also their perspective on science and the world! Mind Mint explains: "The ability to communicate your research to the general public is becoming increasingly important within academia and society. Terms such as ‘science communication’, ‘popularising research’, and ‘knowledge utilisation’ are becoming more prominent. But what does this all actually mean for those doing a PhD? And, how can you (as a PhD) actually ‘do it’? There are only few opportunities specifically for PhDs to learn about and participate in communicating their own research. Welcome to Groningen’s first and only PhD research communication platform: Mind Mint."

Last modified:15 August 2024 1.47 p.m.