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Dimitry Kochenov on BBC World Radio on Strasbourg Human Rights Protection System's rules

16 February 2012
Prof. Dr. Dimitry Kochenov who regularly contributes analysis to BBC World made a radio appearance on BBC World Radio (Russian Service) programme 'Vam slovo' (The floor is yours) where he acted as a legal expert invited to discuss the Strasbourg Human Rights Protection System's rules on deportations in the light of the likelihood of inhuman and degrading treatment. For half an hour Dimitry was answering the questions from the host and taking calls from around the world clarifying the stance of the European Court of Human Rights on this issue using the recent case of the attempted deportation of a notorious Muslim cleric Abu Quatada from the UK to Jordan [Abu Quatada v. UK] in the light of the case-law of the ECt.HR (in Russian).
Last modified:07 April 2021 4.39 p.m.

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