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About us Faculty of Law International programmes LLM programmes 2024-2025 Testimonials

Ketrin Triwidiastuty

Ketrin Triwidiastuty
Ketrin Triwidiastuty

My name is Ketrin Triwidiastuty. I'm from Indonesia. It’s a fact that the Netherlands is one of the best places to study international law. I have always dreamt of taking my master degree in the Netherlands. After careful consideration and taking advices from my friends, I decided to apply for the LLM programme in International Law and the Law of International Organization of the University of Groningen and it turned out to be one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. From the various courses offered, the very helpful faculty staff and the lecturers, I enjoyed every moment I spent here. Not only that, for someone who grew up in a big city like Jakarta, I love the city of Groningen, it is not crowded but very lively. The people of Groningen are very friendly, even to foreigners like me.

Of course I did not come here for sight-seeing, although my photography skills have improved greatly ever since I came here. I have to study hard for my classes because the lecturers here expect great things from us, in a good way of course. It’s challenging to learn how to analyze and critically assess various aspects of international law, from interpretation of treaties to the intricate development of public international law in the international community and it is quite mind-blowing. And if I have to do it all over again, I would love to.

I can say that I never really had a bad experience during my stay. Sometimes I got homesick but I made a lot of friends from various countries that have made me feel at home. In a way, Groningen is also home to me now. Studying at the University of Groningen has been a great adventure for me; the kind of adventure that I won’t trade for anything in this world. I only have one thing to say to prospective students: Come to the University of Groningen, have your own adventure of a lifetime!

Ketrin Triwidiastuty, Indonesia, LLM student Public International Law

Last modified:04 December 2017 10.03 a.m.