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Funding for education research at the University of Groningen

04 April 2017

Two teams of University of Groningen researchers have been awarded funding by the Netherlands Initiative for Education Research (NRO) for ‘Cohesive research projects’. In awarding these grants, the NRO hopes to ensure depth and cohesion in the research carried out by five separate Dutch research teams. The projects being targeted are large-scale research projects involving several researchers. The proposals cover periods of four to five years and a maximum of € 600,000 is available per project. The Groningen teams are headed by Prof. Roel Bosker and Prof. Alexander Minnaert.

School careers in secondary education: an analysis of actual and perceived freedom of choice and acceptable alternatives

Headed by Prof. Roel Bosker

During their school careers in regular secondary education, pupils must choose individual subjects, clusters of subjects and the level of education. Policy and culture at the school can restrict pupils’ choices, thereby influencing the decisions they make. This project explores whether the paths pupils take can be explained by the actual range of choices offered and recommended by a school.

Differentiation inside out: a study of differentiation at different levels and within different domains

Headed by Prof. Alexander Minnaert

Increasing heterogeneity in regular classes makes differentiation an important topic. It is the teacher’s job to meet the individual support needs of his/her pupils regarding skills, motivation and behaviour. The researchers introduce a theoretical model which combines Self-determination theory and Planned behaviour theory into a single cross-sectoral framework.

More information

Website NRO

Last modified:12 March 2020 9.32 p.m.
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