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S. Weishaar and S.Madani (The Advisory House) analyzed the electricity generation plans in the Western Balkan countries for CEE Bankwatch Network

20 April 2015

Stefan Weishaar and Sami Madani (The Advisory House) analyzed the electricity generation plans in the Western Balkan countries for CEE Bankwatch Network. The authors’ findings are presented in the ‘Report on the long-term economic viability of constructing new electricity capacities for electricity experts in the Western Balkan countries’. The report analyses the estimated energy demand and production capacities in Western Balkan countries showing that if countries realize their planned capacity expansions, the region will have an electricity surplus of up to 56 per cent in 2024. This excess capacity is in particular attributable to the planned capacity extensions in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia. Nearly all governments in the region aspire to become electricity exporters which creates the danger of ‘stranded assets’ if governments fail to take into account the regional perspective.

The report is available at the website

This article was published by the Faculty of Law.

Last modified:19 January 2024 11.25 a.m.

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