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University of Groningen investigates effect of dance and movement on Noorderzon visitors

12 August 2013

How can art influence our view of the world? What does a person looking at dance experience? Why do people go to the theatre? At Noorderzon, during the Random Collision show, the University of Groningen will be conducting academic research on the effects of dance and movement on the audience. On 15, 16 and 17 August, the audience will be able to take part in ‘Experiment A’ by observing a free dance performance in the Noorderkerk.

There is no doubt at all that good art is fascinating. On a social level, too, art is credited with all kinds of effects – it influences both feelings and thoughts. These kinds of ideas about the effects of art also play a role for the artists themselves. Choreographers, for example, are actively searching for ways to stimulate the experience and thoughts of the audience. However, despite the feelings that art can evoke being very recognizeable, there is little academic knowledge about audience reactions.

Experiment A

‘What we want to investigate during the performance is how the audience becomes involved in the dance. The performance is an academic experiment, but also nice to watch and fun to have experienced’, says Namkje Koudenburg, PhD student of social psychology at the University of Groningen. Kouderman and her colleagues Aafke van Mourik Broekman, Ernestine Gordijn, Tom Postmes and Tjeerd Andringa form the multidisciplinary research team.

More information

The performance, ‘Experiment A’ , will show on 15, 16 and 17 August at 5-5.30, 6-6.30, 7-7.30 and 8-8.30 p.m. in the Noorderkerk (close to the Noorderplantsoen). Free tickets are available from the cashier of the Noorderzon Festival or via the website

Contact: Namkje Koudenburg , PhD student in social psychology

Experiment A
Last modified:06 September 2021 2.22 p.m.
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