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Demographic transition, economic growth and labormarket dynamics

05 July 2010

PhD ceremony: Ms. M.T. Choudhry, 11.00 uur, Academiegebouw, Broerstraat 5, Groningen

Thesis: Demographic transition, economic growth and labormarket dynamics

Promotor(s): prof. H.H. van Ark

Faculty: Economics and Business


The thesis of Misbah Choudry provides empirical evidence in favor of the hypothesis that the distribution of the population across different age groups affects economic growth, female labor force participation, and labor productivity growth. In addition, Choudry finds empirical evidence in favor of the hypotheses that the relationship between the female labor force participation rate and economic growth is U-shaped and that there exists a tradeoff between labor productivity growth and the labor force participation rate in the short term.


Last modified:13 March 2020 01.13 a.m.
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