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Model of spatial dependence of consumer attitudes

08 June 2010
Stanislav Stakhovych
Stanislav Stakhovych

Many day-to-day phenomena are not spatially independent. Especially that is true for the marketing field, where the geographical component sometimes plays a crucial role. Unfortunately this component remains ignored in many cases. The thesis by Stakhovych aims at understanding how the spatial dependence of consumer attitudes can be modeled, what additional benefits the recovering of spatial dependence can bring and how these benefits can be utilized by researchers and practitioners.

Curriculum vitae
Stanislav Stakhovych (Ukraine, 1980) studied organisation management at the  University of Soemy in Ukraine. He conducted his research at SOM research school of the Faculty of Economics and Business. Stakhovych is a teacher at the FEB. He will be awarded his PhD on 10 June (4.15pm) and his thesis supervisors are prof.dr. T.H.A. Bijmolt and prof.dr. M. Wedel. The thesis title is: Advances in spatial dependence modeling of consumer attitudes with bayesian factor models.

Last modified:31 January 2018 11.54 a.m.
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