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Pricing in Road Transport: a multi-disciplinary perspective. Erik Verhoef, Michiel Bliemer, Linda Steg & Bert van Wee

16 februari 2009

Pricing in Road Transport: a multi-disciplinary perspective. Edited by Erik Verhoef, VU University Amsterdam, Michiel Bliemer, Delft University of Technology, Linda Steg, University of Groningen and Bert van Wee, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

uitgever:  Edward Elgar Publishing
uitgave:  2008
pagina's: 336 p.
ISBN-13:  978 1 84542 860 0

Transport pricing is high on the political agenda throughout the world, but as the authors illustrate, governments seeking to implement this often face challenging questions and significant barriers. The associated policy and research questions cannot always be addressed adequately from a mono-disciplinary perspective. This book shows how a multi-disciplinary approach may lead to new types of analysis and insights, contributing to a better understanding of the intricacies of transport pricing and eventually to a potentially more effective and acceptable design of such policies. The study addresses important policy and research themes such as the possible motives for introducing road transport pricing and potential conflicts between these motives, behavioural responses to transport pricing for households and firms, the modelling of transport pricing, and the acceptability of pricing.

Contents: Part I: Behavioural Responses to Road Pricing Part II: Modelling Effects of Transport Pricing Part III: Acceptability of Different Road Pricing Policies Part IV: Past and Future of Road Pricing Index Contributors: M. Bell, M. Bliemer, P. Bovy, T. de Jong, S. Fujii, T. Gärling, D. Hensher, C. Jakobsson, D. Joksimovic, P. Loukopoulos, C. Nash, S. Puckett, J. Rouwendal, G. Santos, G. Schuitema, L. Steg, T. Tillema, B. Ubbels, D. van Amelsfort, J. van Ommeren, B. van Wee, E. Verhoef, M. Wichiensin

Laatst gewijzigd:20 juni 2024 07:34

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