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Uniform EU policy on regional unemployment is unlikely to be effective

02 October 2008

In the thesis of Annette Zeilstra both regional and national data of several European countries are used to provide a more balanced analysis of unemployment rates and participation rates. Both theoretical and empirical research is used in order to answer the following research questions: What is the effect of both regional and national variables on regional participation rates and regional unemployment rates in the EU? Is the effect of explanatory variables on regional labour market outcomes the same for all countries or does it differ across countries? As wagesetting is highly centralised in Continental Europe, what is the effect of national institutions on regional labour markets under centralised wage bargaining? One of the conclusions is that a uniform policy across nations is unlikely to be effective, since the effects of regional variables on regional participation and unemployment vary markedly across countries.

Curriculum vitae

Annette S. Zeilstra (Winterswijk, 1975) graduated in economics in Groningen and conducted her research at SOM. Now she is employed by the COELO center of expertise of the faculty. Zeilstra will be awarded her PhD in economics and business on 9 October 2008 (2.45p.m.). Her supervisor is prof. J. Oosterhaven and the thesis title is: Regional labour markets in a cross-country perspective.

Last modified:25 October 2019 10.43 a.m.
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