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PhD thesis: ‘Estimate missing data’

08 February 2007
'Statistics Netherlands'
'Statistics Netherlands'

Caren Tempelman has developed models that estimate missing business data more reliably, something that is known as imputation in the world of economics. She did this for Statistics Netherlands (CBS), because this organization needs good imputation methods that supply consistent data. Inconsistent data with visible inaccuracies naturally influence the credibility and thus the image of the CBS in a negative way. The methods developed by Tempelman vary depending on the complexity of the limitations she must bear in mind. Users can thus choose from a set of possibilities.

Curriculum Vitae
Caren Tempelman (Meppel, 1978) studied econometrics in Groningen. The research was commissioned by the CBS and conducted in the department of Econometrics and the SOM research school. She will be awarded her PhD in Economics on 19 February 2007 (2.45 p.m.). Her supervisor is Prof. R.H. Koning. Her thesis is entitled Imputation of restricted data. Applications to business surveys. Tempelman works for the CBS as a methodologist.

Last modified:31 January 2018 11.51 a.m.
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