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Symposium 'Complexity of Psychological and Behavioral Processes'

When:Fr 17-04-2015 13:00 - 17:00
Where:M. 0074 (Munting building, Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences)

In the first half of the 20th century, Kurt Lewin already emphasized that individual and environmental factors do not operate independently; they interact. Moreover, he stated that the relationships between these factors change over time. Precise prediction of psychological and behavioral states has therefore been a major scientific challenge.
To date, in order to explain and predict human psychological and behavioral states as accurately as possible, most studies have examined a selection of potential determinants in isolation, often at one moment or across a few time points. This has resulted in a rich literature on the determinants of human behavior.
More recently, a ‘complexity perspective’ has been proposed to further advance insights into the complex and dynamic nature of human behavior. More specifically, the complexity perspective provides a set of tools that is focused on studying (changing) patterns of behavior out of the (changing) interactions between different underlying psychological, physical, and environmental factors.

In this symposium, experts from the University of Groningen and abroad will present their work on complex processes in

  • social psychology (Robin R. Vallacher, Florida Atlantic University),
  • cognition (Dr. Ralf F. A. Cox, University of Groningen),
  • sports (Dr. Harjo J. De Poel, University of Groningen), and
  • motor control (Prof. Benoît Bardy, Montpellier University)

For more information you may contact Ruud den Hartigh (j.r.den.hartigh


  • Dynamical Social Psychology: Embracing the Nonlinear Nature of Human Experience, Prof. Robin R. Vallacher (Florida Atlantic University, Department of Psychology)
  • Revealing Complexity in Behavior: An Anthology, Dr. Ralf F. A. Cox (University of Groningen, Department of Psychology)
  • The dynamics of between-agent interaction: cooperative vs. competitive coupling, Dr. Harjo J. De Poel (University of Groningen, Center for Human Movement Sciences)
  • Music-induced Synchronization of Coupled Biological Systems, Prof. Benoît G. Bardy (Montpellier University, Movement to Health Laboratory, EuroMov)