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Over ons Faculteit Gedrags- en Maatschappijwetenschappen Psychologie

Heymans Colloquium. prof. G. Cumming

Wanneer:di 18-06-2013 15:00 - 16:30

LECTURER Professor Geoff Cumming (La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia)

The New Statistics: Why, How, and Where Next?

Tuesday, 18 June 2013, 15.00 – 16.30 hrs

Room M.0061, Munting building, Groningen

The social sciences rely heavily on null hypothesis significance testing (NHST). Geoff Cumming, however, advocates estimation based on effect sizes and confidence intervals as a much better way to analyse data. In his talk he will refer to estimation—and its extension, meta-analysis—as The New Statistics. He will describe practical ways to use the new statistics, and will use ESCI (Exploratory Software for Confidence Intervals; a free download from ), to illustrate concepts, calculate confidence intervals, and carry out meta-analysis. Furthermore, he will give an estimation perspective on the current hot topic of replication, and failures of replication. Discovering the best ways to teach and practise the new statistics requires the research skills of social scientists, who thus have exciting and important opportunities to improve statistical practices across the numer ous disciplines that still rely on NHST.

After Professor Cumming's talk, there will be a panel discussion with Eric-Jan Wagenmakers, Jan-Willem Romeijn en Rink Hoekstra.

For more information you may contact

dr. R.D. (Richard) Morey, email address: R.D.Morey or dr. R. (Rink) Hoekstra, email address: r.hoekstra